Possible follow-ups

How should the exercises on translation be dealt with:

a) gone over by the teacher in class;

b) corrected by the teacher out of class;

c) corrected by the students themselves by the given keys. Give your reasons.



At a students' debating club a discussion is held on the role of televi­sion in society. Some students of the British group who are on an ex­change visit to Moscow are participating in it. The discussion is con­ducted by a well-known journalist. The students are asked to give some serious thought to the following problems:

1. Television and children. (Whole generations are growing up ad­dicted to television.)

2. Boob versus screen versions. (Active pursuits suchas reading give way to passive screen-watching.)

3. The pros and cons of video cassette TV.

Cast list

A journalist A psychologist A postgraduate

Ann Mary Helen

students of the English Department

Robert/Caroline ]„.,,., . Steve/Frankie J Bntish students