1. Who is who:applicant/prospective student; freshman; sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate student; graduate (grad) student; part-time student; transfer student; night student; faculty:1 teaching assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, (full) professor; counselor.2
2. Administration:dean, assistant dean, department chairman; President of the University; academic vice-president; student government; board of trustees.
3. Structure:college (college of Arts and Sciences); school (school of Education), evening school; grad school; college of continuing education;3 department; career development and job placement office.2
4. Academic calendar:fall, spring term/semester; fall, winter, spring, summer quarter; school/academic year; exam period/days — reading days/period4, break/recess; deadline5 (fall term break; winter recess or winter holidays, summer vacation).
5. Academic programs:course (a one/three-credit course); to take a course, to give a lecture; pass-fail course;6 elective, a major/to major (what's your major?); a minor (second in importance); discussion session; seminars — a more academic class, usually with grad students; a student-teacher.
6. Summer school:a course of lessons, talks, etc., arranged in addition to the year's work in a university, college, or school after the
' The entire teaching staff at an educational institution.
2 For detailed information see Appendix.
3 In-service training, updating one's qualification.
4 One or more days to read up for an examination.
5 The last date for a retake.
6 A course where you don't take an examination, but a pass-fail test (зачет).
start of summer holidays (to earn additional credits or to improve
the academic grades).
7. Grades:to get/to give a grade; pass-fail grading (to take grammar pass-fail); grades A, B, C, D, E; A-student; to graduate with straight A; a credit, to earn a credit; education record.7
8. Tests:quiz; to take/to give an exam; to retake an exam (a retake); to flunk a course; to flunk smb; to drop out/to withdraw; a pass-fail test; multiple choice test; essay test; SAT, PSAT (preliminary SAT) ACT; GPA.8
9. Red Tape:to register (academically and financially); to enroll for admission; to interview; to sign up for a course; to select classes/ courses; to drop a course, to add a course,9 a student I.D.,10 library card; transcript,11 degrees: B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; to confer a degree; to confer tenure, thesis, paper, dissertation.
10. Financing:full-time fees; part-time fees; grants; student finan
cial aid; to apply for financial aid; to be eligible for financial assistance;
scholarship; academic fees; housing fees; a college work-study job.