The U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The British Isles lie to the north-west from the coast of Europe. The total area of Great Britain is over 244000 square kilometers. Its population is about 55 million.

The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. There are many rivers in Great Britain. The longest river in England is the Severn, and the deepest is the Thames, on which the capital of Great Britain, London, stands. Almost all mountains in Great Britain are in the north and west. They are not high. North-West England is also famous for its lakes.

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The Power of the Queen is limited by the Parliament which consists of two Houses – the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister is usually the head of the party in Power. There are the following Parties there: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Party.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country, and most of the people live in large towns. Great Britain exports machinery, vessels, motors and other goods. There are a lot of factories and mines there. The textile industry is also highly developed and a lot of British textiles are exported. At the same time Great Britain imports some food products and raw materials from many countries of the world.

As for climate of the British Isles it is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. There is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter. It rains very often in all seasons. The weather changes very often. Besides, Britain is famous for its fogs.

Everyone who comes to England says that it looks like one great beautiful park. The Englishmen love their country and take care of it.


IV. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases


1. состоять из … 9. премьер-министр

2. общая площадь 10. Либеральная партия

3. население 11. партия трудящихся

4. страна омывается 12. Консервативная партия

5. гора 13. высокоразвитая

6. парламентарная монархия 14. текстильная промышленность

7. палата общин 15. заботиться

8. палата лордов


V. Make up sentences


1. To be, its, 55 million, about, population.

2. Mountains, in, almost, west, north, and, in, to be, the Great Britain, all.

3. Monarchy, Great Britain, a, parliamentary, to be.

4. To change, often, the, very, weather.

5. To love, the, it, Englishmen, their, and, country, to take care of.