
An activity in which learners fill in spaces or gaps in sentences or texts. This is often used for restricted practice or for focusing on a specific language point. This is different from a cloze test which can focus on reading ability or general language use. See cloze test.


Gifted students

Students who demonstrate high levels of imagination, curiosity, and intelligence Gist, global understanding, listening/reading for gist, listening/reading for global understanding To read or listen to a text and understand the general meaning of it, without paying attention to specific details. See detail, read for detail, and listen for detail.


Good language learner

Researchers have investigated the individual learner factors that contribute to L2 learning by investigating what expert, successful language learners do in order to learn an L2. These studies are known as the ‘~ studies’. One of the best known is Naiman et al. 1978.



A mark that learners obtain at school for their performance. In Ukraine, ~s range between 1 (being the lowest) and 12 (being the highest). These marks make up the twelve-point grading scale.


Graded reader / simplified reader

A book where the language has been made easier for learners. These are often books with stories or novels where the language has been simplified.