Critical Period Hypothesis
This states that there is a period (i.e. up tot a certain age) during which the learners can acquire an L2 easily and can achieve native-speaker competence, but that after this period L2 acquisition becomes more difficult and is rarely entirely successful. Researchers differ over when this critical period comes to an end.
Crossword puzzle
A word game in which learners complete a grid. Learners write the answers to clues in the squares on the grid. It is often used to review and consolidate vocabulary.
Cue card / prompt card
A card on which there is/are (a) word(s) or picture(s) to prompt or encourage learners to produce particular language, often during a controlled practice activity or drill, e.g. a teacher presenting I like + ing / I don’t like + ing could have a number of picture cue cards with different activities (swimming, reading etc). Learners have to respond to the cue card using I like + ing or I don’t like + ing. See flashcard.
The sum total of the ways of life of a people; includes norms, learned behaviour patterns, attitudes, and artefacts; also involves traditions, habits or customs; how people behave, feel and interact; the means by which they order and interpret the world; ways of perceiving, relating and interpreting events based on established social norms; a system of standards for perceiving, believing, evaluating, and acting.
Curriculum (pl. curricula)
A set of actions followed when setting up a training course: it includes defining training goals, content, methods (including assessment) and material, as well as arrangements for training teachers and trainers. See syllabus.
Deductive thinking
Going from the general to the specific. See also inductive thinking.
Demonstration lesson
A lesson held by a teacher to show his/her expertise in teaching, usually to colleagues with the same professional interest.
Detail, read for detail, listen for detail
To listen to or read a text in order to understand most of what it says or particular details. See gist, global understanding.
Diagnostic test, diagnose (v.)
See assessment and test.
Dictation (n.), dictate (v.)
An activity which typically involves the learners in writing down what the teacher reads aloud. See picture dictation.