Neither Do I /So Do I
I think so/ I hope not
The English Sentence. The Word Order 2
The Verb System 1. Basic Terminology. Formation
Auxiliary Verbs. Tense Forms
*Emphatic Do
*The Passive Voice
Write 10 statements about yourself which you think are likely to be true about your partner too.
*Basic Grammar in Use R.Murphy PP. 76-77 Unit 38 (So do I …)
· Make sentences together with your partner. Start with a word which can potentially be the beginning of a statement, a question or an imperative sentence. Take turns.
(1st Speaker: “Who” – 2nd Speaker : “wants” - 1st Speaker: “to be” - 2nd Speaker: “millionaire?” - 1st Speaker: …)
· Read this horoscope. You may either agree or disagree with what is written. Your partner is going to ask you questions to find out the truth about your eating habits. Do you like …? What (else) do you like …? (#3)
· Are you a home bird or a party animal? Interview your partner. Use different question types. (#5)
Answering Techniques 3
Neither Do I /So Do I
These ‘short answers’ are used to say that smb. does or doesn’t do the same. This is to react to a statement, not a question. Mind the word order.
EXERCISE 1. English Grammar in Use R.Murphy PP.102 – 103 Ex.51.3
EXERCISE 2. FCE Use of English V. Evans P.189 Ex. 243, 244
COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 1. Use your list with statements about yourself. Read them to your partner. Your partner will react to each statement. Tick the statements which are true about your partner too. How much do you have in common?
I think so/ I hope not
These are used as a response to yes/no questions instead of “yes/no answers” to show that this is particularly your point of view.
EXERCISE 3. English Grammar in Use R.Murphy PP.102 – 103 Ex.51.4
EXERCISE 4. FCE Use of English V. Evans P.190 Ex. 245
COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2. What do you expect to happen in the future? Share your ideas with your partner. Is the climate going to change a lot? Your partner will react to it using “I think so/ I hope not”.
COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 3. Act out a talk between a grandma and her grandchild. The grandchild is reading a newspaper story to the grandma. The grandma can’t hear well and she asks a lot of questions.
Oncethere were two brothers who were identical twins. They looked exactly alike. They both had the same curly dark brown hair, blue eyes, and beautiful teeth. They were both exactly five feet ten inches tall and both weighed exactly one hundred and fifty pounds.
They not only looked alike but also sounded alike on the phone. Not even their family could tell the difference. They dressed alike, listened to the same music, and read the same books. They even laughed at the same jokes.
When they were twenty-three they both got married and a year later both had sons. The years went by and they began to grow old, they both wore glasses and eventually they both became bald.
Then one day, one of the brothers got sick and died. A few days later a man stopped the other twin on the street. "Excuse me for asking," he said, "but was it you or your brother who died?"
(A Practical Course of English А.В. Савватеева и др. С.140)