Тема: Технічний переклад та переказ тексту за фахом: «Лиття у піщані форми»
Завдання до самостійної роботи :
I. Скласти словник незнайомих слів (не менше 20)
Слово | Транскрипція | Переклад |
road | дорога |
II. Вивчити слова напам`ять.
III. Перекласти текст української мовою(письмово).
IV. Скласти анотацію англійською мовою.
V. Переказувати текст згідно анотації.
«Sand Casting »
Selection of a casting method depends primarily upon:1) quantity of parts ,2)size of the part ,3) tolerances and finish ,4) physical characteristics ,5) part configuration ,6) the metal to be cast .
The oldest commercial method of making metal casting consists of forming a cavity in sand and filling the cavity with molten metal .After the metal solidifies, the sand is broken away , and the casting is removed ,trimmed and cleaned.
Sand molds are made in two or more section :bottom (drag),top(cope), and intermediate sections (cheeks) when required .Joints between section are the parting lines .The sand is contained in flasks ,made of metal or sometimes wood.
Molten metal is poured into the sprue , and connecting runners conduct the metal to the casting cavity. Riser cavities in the core sand over heavy sections of the casting serve as metal reservoir .They fill with molten metal as the cavity is filled and , as the casting solidifies and shrinks , the risers feed molten metal to the heavy , slowly solidifying sections, thus minimizing porosity in the part .Slag floats to the top of the risers and thus is not incorporated into the casting .Sprue, runner, and risers are trimmed from the casting after it is removed from the sand.
Cores are hard shapes of placed in the mold to produced hollow castings. Patternes of wood or metal are used to prepare the mold.
Extremely large or heavy casting are made by floor molding .Here the mold is made in the floor of the foundry using the earth as the flask.
Advantages and disadvantages :Sand casting offers the least expensive method for producing general-purpose castings. Patten equipment is relatively inexpensive and long lasting.
Sand casting are more subject to human control than parts made by other casting processes.More material must be left on a sand casting to permit machining for a finished surface.Thin section cannot be cast in is generally considered a practical minimum.
Runner литниковий канал
to float вспливати
riser прибуток
bottom (drag) нижня напівформа
top(cope) верхня напівформа
intermediate section проміжні секції
parting time лінія роз'єму
flask опока
sprue стояк
to trim обрубувати
to shrink давати усадку
Питання для самоконтролю:
1.What does a casting method depend upon?
2.What is sand casting ?
3.What are advantages and disadvantages of sand casting?
Рекомендована література:
1. Бгашев В.Н Англійська мова для студентів машино-будівних спеціальностей.-М:Вища школа, 2003.-195с.
2. Полякова Т.Ю Английский язык для инженеров. Учебник .М: Высшая школа ,2003-242с
3. Heywood,J.B.Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. London: McGrau-Hill, 1988.
Дидактичне забезпечення:схеми,таблиці, картки, словники.