Functions for working with dates and times
checkdate(month, day, year)
month – $integer (1-12)
day – $integer (1-31, varies)
year – $integer (1-32767)
Checks the validity of the given date, returning TRUE if it is valid.
var_dump( checkdate(2, 29, 2006) );
var_dump( checkdate(2, 29, 2008) );
date(format [, timestamp])
format – $string
timestamp – [optional] $integer default: time(), current Unix timestamp
Returns the current date and/or time based on formatting specified in format.
If timestamp is not included, the current time is used, supplied by the time()
time() – Get the current Unix timestamp, time since Unix Epoch
strtotime() - Convert a common language string to a Unix timestamp
gmdate(format [, timestamp]) Returns the current date and/or time based on formatting specified in format
returned in GMT/UTC.
mktime([, hour] [, minute] [, second] [, month] [, day] [, year] [, dst_flag])
Returns the current Unix timestamp in seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1st , 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) as an integer. However, it takes optional arguments for a specific date/time. Optional arguments can be left off from right to left, anything not included will default to the current date/time.
Form Validation required. Isset () function
The isset () function is used to check whether a variable is set or not. If a variable is already unset with unset() function, it will no longer be set. The isset() function return false if testing variable contains a NULL value.
isset($variable [, ...$variable...])
Accepts multiple $variables separated by commas, but will only return TRUE if all variables are set
Determine whether $variable has been set/created/declared.
$string = '';
$integer = 0;
var_dump( isset($string,$integer) ); // True because BOTH are set
echo '<br />'; // XHTML break for new line
unset($string); // unset or destroy the variable
var_dump( isset($string), isset($integer) );
bool(false) bool(true)
unset() – Destroy/delete a variable or multiple variables
unset($variable [, ...$variable...])
Accepts multiple $variables separated by commas
Unsets or destroys/deletes the given $variable(s).
$string = 'hello';
var_dump( isset($string) ); // Check if it is set
echo '<br />'; // XHTML break for new line
var_dump( isset($string) ); // Check again