Schizophrenic mental Model

In this framework, we used a new approach based on multiple personalities rather than a

single linear profile. This “schizophrenic” mental model is composed of a set of distinct

identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the

user (Heudin, 2009). Note that a more accurate psychological term is Dissociative Identity

Disorder rather than schizophrenia. Each personality is implemented as a nano-agent that

reacts to the user’s inputs by computing an answer using its behavior rules and diffusing

messages containing answers. Then, a dedicated nano-agent “reconnects” the identities of

the disparate alters into a single functioning identity by selecting the “thought” with the

highest evaluation. In this prototype we used a straightforward priority-based scoring


The different personalities are based on classical stereotypes used in story telling for

creating believable characters (Masterson, 2000). We implemented four basic personalities:

 The Protagonistis essentially the principal driver of the effort to achieve the goal.

 The Antagonistis the personality which is opposed to the Protagonist's end goal

and tries to undermine his success.

 The Logicalpersonality is calm, perhaps even cold. He makes decisions and takes

actions only on the basis of logic.

 The Emotionalpersonality is reactive, seemingly uncontrolled, disorganized,

mainly driven by feelings and moods.

As in storytelling, additional secondary personalities could be added to complete the

character such as an “obstacle” personality which tries to block the ways or a “sidekick”

which is a faithful supporter of any of the other personalities.