Read this news article about the UK’s newest guests. Five sentences have been removed from the article.

Tian Tian and Yang Guang arrived at Edinburgh Airport at 1pm on a specially-chartered non-stop flight from China. The eight-year-old breeding pair are destined for Edinburgh Zoo, which will be their new home for the next 10 years.

1._________________________________________________. "I am delighted to confirm that the FedEx Panda Express has safely touched down at Edinburgh International Airport," said Captain Paul Cassell.

2.___________________________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­. Although every flight is unique, this flight has been particularly special – carrying such rare animals made the journey very exciting for all of us."

They will now have two weeks to settle into their new enclosure before going on display to the public.

3.___________________________________________________________________. The Scottish Government and tourism officials hope the animals' presence will boost the economy and visitor numbers to the country.

4. ___________________________________________________________________. First Minister Alex Salmond is in China at the moment.

Online footage of the two animals, from four hidden "panda-cams" in their enclosures, is expected to attract viewers from around the world.

5. ___________________________________________________________________. The rest of the plant is to be imported from Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Choose from the sentences A – G the one which fits each gap (1 –5). There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

A.It is hoped that the pandas, the first to live in the UK for 17 years, will eventually give birth to cubs.

B.Four pilots with "extensive experience" in transporting some of the world's most precious cargo, including white rhinos and penguins, were also on the flight.

C.Edinburgh Zoo is to grow about 15% of the bamboo needed to feed the giant pandas.

D.Tian Tian and Yang Guang – the names translate as Sweetie and Sunshine – are the first giant pandas to live in the UK for 17 years, in what is seen as a reinstatement of "panda diplomacy".

E.Edinburgh Zoo is to grow about 15% of the bamboo needed to feed the giant pandas.

F.It was an absolute privilege and honor to fly Tian Tian and Yang Guang, and to be part of this significant moment to bring the pandas to their new home in the UK.


G.Scottish ministers also said the loan of the pandas symbolises a "growing friendship" between Scotland and China.



Level B 1