Choose the correct answer.
Which of these statements is NOT true according to the first paragraph of the article?
a. Second generation immigrants are usually eager to learn their parents' native language.
b. It is often hard for first and second generation family members to communicate with each other.
c. Because second generation immigrant children often speak only English, they may lose their ethnic identity.
d. Sometimes second generation immigrant children ignore their parents because of language differences.
Which of the following is NOT true about the 18 year old daughter?
a. She was born in the U.S.
b. She speaks only English very well; her Korean is poor.
c. She gets along better with her parents than her brother and other sister do.
d. She doesn't understand Korean jokes well.
Which is NOT a reason that the 14 year old sister has problems with her mother?
a. She doesn't want to speak Korean.
b. She doesn't love her mother.
c. She is very Americanized.
d. She does not understand her mother when she gets punished.
To whom does the mother speak Korean?
a. Her oldest daughter only.
b. All of her children.
c. Her two daughters only.
d. Only to her son.
Why did the author's aunt try to teach her children to speak Korean?
a. To help them succeed in the U.S.
b. To help them find a good job.
c. To help them establish a Korean identity.
d. To help her improve her Korean language skills.
e. None of the above.
There are many reasons that second generation immigrants may get confused about their identity. Which of the following is NOT found in the article?
a. Their American friends may not see them as Korean-Americans.
b. They look different than most of their friends in the U.S.
c. If they travel to Korea they wear different clothes than the Koreans.
d. If they visit Korea, they even walk differently than the Koreans.
Which of the following is closest to the main idea of this article?
a. Second generation Korean-Americans walk and dress differently than their parents.
b. Many immigrant families have problems with communication.
c. The language spoken in immigrant households is often a mixture of two languages.
d. Second generation Korean immigrants often speak only English.
e. Teaching immigrant children the parents' native language helps them establish their ethnic identity.