Let's talk about this so habitual and familiar phenomenon that is known to humanity for over a century, and widely used for energy. But in the same measure it is little known.
What we know about radioactivity from physics?
Radioactivity is a spontaneous decay of chemical element. Decay occurs in all elements with atomic numbers greater than 83, i.e., located in the periodic table after bismuth.
In addition, any chemical element can be temporarily radioactive when irradiated with neutrons. This is called “induced radioactivity”.
During radioactive decay atom emits different types of elementary particles - protons, neutrons, electrons, and others. And the atom is converted into another chemical element.
Scientists have accumulated a wealth of information on the phenomenon of radioactivity. There are institutes, universities and organizations involved in its study. But after more than a century since its opening, the official science has not given an answer - why the atoms decay.
Pay attention. Only heavy chemical elements disintegrate – of the lower periods. It is not by accident.
The mechanism of radioactive decay of chemical element is similar to disintegration of the star - its glow.
Why does the star emit the light?
Because it disintegrates.
And why does it disintegrate?
Because the Law of Transformation exists. The transformation by gravity. This law is described in detail in the book “Ethereal mechanics” - We briefly will retell it here.
Inflow of excess ether (energy) makes the particle to emit its own energy and move away from the center. For example, from the center of congestions of particles. Star is a conglomerate of particles too. And atoms are the congestions of particles, only on a smaller scale. The more particles in star or atom, the more energy they emit during transformation.
Transformation is a rise in temperature, change in quality.
The more material in the composition of the star, the higher its brightness.
The more particles Yang (emitting energy), the higher the degree of transformation, and the more particles leaves the star or atom. And the greater their velocity is.
It is known that the larger stars have a larger brightness.
Particles Yang leave the body first. Over time, their percentage decreases.
Blue giants (stars) are dominated on the outskirts of the galaxies. It is the biggest and hottest stars. They have the most amount of substance. Stars are born from emissions of substance from the nuclei of galaxies. Blue giants are older than other stars.
The more material, the higher the temperature of the star, the brighter it is.
The same is with atoms.
The heavier the atom, then the more substance it has, i.e. the more number of particles. Due of this atom disintegrates - emits particles, like a star. Because of the action of the Law of Transformation.
We recommend you understand this law well. It is difficult, however, it is the basis of a vast number of natural processes and phenomena. It is very important.
That's why there occurs a decay of chemical elements. And the heavy atoms disintegrate in the first place. They are heavy, because they have a lot of substance. And particles Yin dominate. It is typical for the Physical Plan.
Particles change the quality. They begin to emit energy and move away from the center of atoms.
Atom emits particles as a star, but on a small scale.
As you can see, everything in the universe is arranged by analogy – microcosm is the same as macrocosm.