Make up the dialogue using the translated questions and the information from the text.
Lesson 82
9. Use the Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets:
1. We ( to have) a postcard from them two days ago. They ( to say ) they ( to have) a marvellous time. 2. While she ( to stop) this morning, she ( to lose) her money. She ( not to know ) how. 3. They ( to announce) our flight. We ( to have) a problem. One of our suitcases ( to miss). 4. Who ( to speak) there? – I ( not to know). 5. He (not to smoke ). He ( not to smoke ) now. When he ( to be ) at the office yesterday, he ( not to smoke), he ( to work) hard. 6. When my sister ( to wash ) her skirt, she ( to find) a pound note in the pocket. 7. When you ( to learn) German? 8. We ( to go ) home now because it ( to be ) late.9. Who you ( to wait ) for? 10. Her car ( to break) down yesterday while she ( to drive) to work. 11.When and where it ( to happen)? 12. She always ( to wear) nice clothes for work. Today she ( to wear) a nice blouse and a dark skirt. 13. What she ( to watch) at the moment?. 14. I ( to see) my friend in the street yesterday, but he ( to run ) for a bus and he ( not to have ) time to speak to me. 15. What your son ( to do )? – He ( to study ) computer science. 16. what you ( to do ) at the weekend? 17. When she ( to open ) the door, a man ( to stand ) on the doorstep. It ( to be ) her uncle, but she ( not to recognize ) him because he ( to wear ) dark glasses. 18. Last night we ( to go ) to a cafe to meet our friends.
10 Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect of the verbs in the brackets and translate the sentences:
1. Since 1897 much ( to be learned) about the structure of atom. 2. After Becquerel ( to make )a great number of experiments, he discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. 3. In 1898 the Curies ( to discover) a new substance which they ( to receive) during their experiments. They found that it ( to be ) much more active. 4. By the end of 1898 the Curies ( to obtain) the element radium. They announced that they ( to discover ) it in December 1898. 5. In 1969 people ( to mark ) the 100th anniversary of the discovery by Mendeleev of the periodic law of chemical elements. 6. After we ( to construct) a number of new power stations, our country will get cheap electric power. 7. In 1761 M. V. Lomonosov, with the aid of a telescope, ( to discover) a luminous rim around Venus. He explained that this phenomenon ( to be caused ) by the existence of an atmosphere around Venus.8. Observations showed that the luminous rim ( to be ) really the planet’s atmosphere lit up by the sun. It ( to be observed) in 1882, and will not be seen again until2004. 9. Man ( to achieve ) great successes in the fieldof studying the structure of new elementary particles.
11. Translate the following sentences into English using the corresponding Tenses:
1. Він був щасливий: він написав чудовий твір.2.Я шукаю тебе весь вечір. 3. Я раптом згадав, що нічого не їв з ранку. 4. На щастя, дощ уже перестав, коли ми вийшли. 5. Скільки років ви працюєте в цій школі? 6. Об одинадцятій годині ми вже працювали протягом трьох годин. 8. Я вже тричі говорив тобі, що треба переписати вправу. 9. Я вже цілу годину читав після обіду, коли прийшов тато. 10. Я не прийду. Я писатиму твір увесь вечір. 11. Де ти був з минулої п’ятниці? 12. Я вже два тижні живу у друзів. 13. Я вже два тижні жив у друзів, коли одержав листа. 14. Скільки днів ви вже читаєте цю книжку? 15. Лише коли вона була у поїзді, вона згадала, що залишила книжку вдома. 16. Вони живуть у цьому будинку вже п’ять років. 17. Моя сестра була хвора вже кілька днів, коли я дізнався про це. 18. Ти знав, що він не написав твір? 19. Ми не одержуємо від неї листів уже кілька місяців. 20. Скільки років ви вже працюєте на цьому заводі? 21. Він уже пішов, коли Олена ввімкнула радіо. 22. Я працюю над цією проблемою вже три місяці. 23. Ви повинні відпочити. Ви занадто багато працювали сьогодні.
Lesson 83
9.Open the brackets using the corresponding tense of the verb:
1. I knew they ( to wait ) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry. 2. I didn’t know that you already ( to wind ) up the clock. 3. I was afraid that the little girl ( not to be ) able to unlock the front door and ( to go ) upstairs to help her .4. He says that he ( to know) the laws of the country. 5. Sarie understood why Lanny ( not to come) the previous evening. 6. She asked me whether I ( to remember ) the legend about a faithful lion. 7. He understood that the soldiers ( to arrest) him. 8. He could not understand why people ( not to want ) to take water from that well. 9. I suppose they ( to send0 a dog after the bulglar immediately. 10. He said he ( to leave) tommorow morning. 11. She says she already (to find) the book. 12. He stopped and listened: the clock ( to strike0 five. 13. She said she (can) not tell me the right time, her watch ( to be ) wrong. 14. I asked my neibour if he ever ( to travel) by air before. 15. The policeman asked Gerge where he ( to run) so early. 16. The delegates were told that the guide just ( to go ) out and ( to be ) back in ten minutes.
10. Translate into English using the rules of the sequence of tenses:
1. Я боявся, що заблукаю у лісі. 2. Вона знала, що ми ніколи не бачили її картини. 3. вчений був упевнений, що знайде розв’язання проблеми.4. Я знав, що ти приїхав у Київ, і сподівався, що ти відвідаєш мене. 5. Ми не думали, що він так розсердиться. 6. Ми вчора довідалися , що вона хвора. 7. Він думав що вона не прийде в технікум.8. Я знав, що моя сестра вивчає французьку, і думав, що вона поїде в Париж. 9. Мені сказали, що ти мені телефонував. 10. Я думав, що ти в Москві.11. Я не знав, що ти вже повернувся в Київ. 12ю Ми сподівалися, що поїдемо в Лондон. 13. Вчитель сказав, що наші друзі надіслали лист із Лондона.14. Вона сказала, що її подруга запросила її в театр.15. Ми боялися, що не купимо квиток у театр. 16. Ми побачили, що діти граються у піску. 17. Вона сказала, що більше не буде купатися, тому що вода холодна. 18 Моя двоюрідна сестра сказала, що любить оперу і буде рада піти з нами в театр, хоча вже двічі слухала „ Травіату.( La Traviata)”.
11.Change the following sentences from Direct into Indirect Speech:
a) 1. Jack wrote to his friend: “I am not able to come to see you this summer”. 2. He said: “Our boat carries an oxygen reserve that will be enough for more that a week”. 3. The worker said: “ I have brought all essential equipment”. 4. Ann said: “ I went on an excurtion last week”.5. He said: “ I have read this novel and like it very much”.
b) 1. She asked me: “ Will you go to the theatre on Sunday?” 2. I asked her: “ Did you finish this book yesterday? 3. Pete asked his mother: “ May I go out?”4. The mother asked him: “ Have you done your homework?”Pete answered: “ Yes, I have”.
c) 1. Mary said to me: “ Why didn’t you come?” 2. Mother asked me : “ When did Tom go to bed?” 3. They asked Mary: “ When will your husband return home?”4. The teacher asked me: “What is your name?”5. He asked pete: “ Where were you born?”
d) 1. He said to me: “ Go this way, please”.2. The man said tome: “Give me a match, please”. 3. The teacher said to us “Open your books on page 11 and read the text”.4. She said to the child: “ Don’t touch my books”.
Непряма мова: При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму не забувайте замінити обставини часу, як нижче зазначено.
Direct into Indirect:
Today – that day; yesterday – the day before ; tomorrow – the next day; ...ago - ...before; this.. – that..;these... – those...; here – there; last year – the year before; last month – the month before; last... – the... before; next... – the following
Lesson 84
1.Read and define the meaning of the following words:
sphere n , ordinary a, special a, synthesize v, demonstrate v, mobilize v, test n, generate v, automatic a, utilization n, container n, resist v, packet n, infect v, activize v, accelerate v.
2. Read and remember the following words:
endeavour – спроба,зусилля
agency – засіб
confine – обмежувати
derive – відбуватися
devise – придумувати, робити винахід
defy – не піддаватися
associate – співробітник
surface – з’являтися на поверхні
search – шукати
buoy – буй, бакен
lattice – решітка
clutter – загромаджувати
evolve – розробляти, розвивати
hover – знаходитися поблизу, парити
3. Give the correspondence:
A: animal protein, vegetable protein, wood wastes, artificial media, feed additive, full-valued food, all-powerful bacteria, modern technical means, underground explosion, biochemical energy sources, biochemical cells, sonar system, waste utilization, used containers;
B: повноцінна їжа, всесильні бактерії, твариний білок, сучасні технічні засоби, рослиний білок, підземний вибух, поживний додаток, деревинні відходи, штучна середа, використання відходів, система звукової локації, використання ємності, біохімічні електроелементи, біохімічні джерела енергії.
4.Check your knowledge the following words with of the terminological dictionary:
nutrient, harvest, farming, bed, spark, cell, clog, stench, convert, film, culture, community,feeding.
5. Read the text , translate it and give the main idea in two-three sentences:
Even a simple enumeration of the spheres of human endeavour which can be placed on a basically new level, would add up to an impressive list. And the agency which can make this possible is microbes. They exist everywhere – on land and in the air, in the Arctic and in hot springlakes, amid mountain ranges and in the depths of the sea. However, the reachest storehouse of microbes is soil. And each microbe may be considered as a chemical plant of tremendous capacity. While some microbes feed on complex vegetable or animal proteins, others confine themselves to ordinary wood wastes and still otherssimply make do with atmospheric nirogen or carbon dioxide.
Considering all this, laboratory experiments are advising special artificial media in which microbe” food” is dissolved. Here microorganisms rapidly multiply and in the process of their life activity synthesize food, medicinal and other substances.
Factories in the different countries turn out more than a million tonnes of feed additives of microbial origin which contain more than 50 per cent of protein. However, in propotion to expended fodder only 20 to 30 per cent of meat and milk can be obtained, and only from rapidly growing young animals. And still less – only 5 to 10 per cent – from adult specimens.
A question arises, is the connecting link of animals necessary? Perhaps nutrients which are fed to them can be used by man directly? Perhaps, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. Can be used directly in processing into full-valued foods suitable for man? It has been demonstrated that by combining products derived from microorganisms with traditional types of food man can obtain dishes well balanced in terms of content and protein composition. For example, more than 60 types of “ meat” products including beef, chicken-meat, ham, chops, cutlets, bacon and franfurtes, are currently being produced from soya beans protein inthe United states.
Agriculture requires large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. The problem can be resolved by bacteria capableof absorbing armospheric notrigen, of “fixing” it, thus enriching the soil, and of sharply increasing harvests.
Moreover, bacteria can help agriculture in the creation of bodies of water. Ponds and lakes are becoming an integral part of farming areas. However, they cannot be created everywhere. In some spots the bed fails to trap the water, which escapes. Researchers of Georgian Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Improvement are determined to devise compact ground artificially, using anaerobic bacteria – microbes capable of living and developing without free oxygen.
In nature microorganisms make an enormous contribution to the formation of some rocks and minerals and to the destruction of others, as well as to the formation of oil and gas deposits. Naturally, such all-powerful bacteria should be made to work for man in these fields as well.
Usually, from 5 to 20 per cent of the ore in depleted ore deposits, remains in the earth, deflying extraction by modern technical means. Perhaps the only way this underground “ cemetery” can be reached is by mobilizing billion uponbillions, including sulphur and iron ones, otherwise known as thionic microorganisms. They dissolve the metal contained in ore in mine water, which can be extracted without any particular difficulty.
The scientists have discovered among the microorganisms “ experts” which make it possible to use bacteria in prevailing underground explosions. Methan, for instance, forms an explosive as it mixes with the air. Then one spark is enough to send a tornado of fire rolling through the mine. Associates of the Moscow Mining Engineer’s Institute have developed an original method of combaning methane based on the ability of someorganisms to absorb this gas.