Find in the text the information about the defining the permissible limits of the atmospheric pollution.

Name the measures which are suggested for lowering the concentration of exhaust gases.

Using the text name the methods of purification of industrial gases and how many degrees of purity are existed.

Describe the role of plants in the protection the towns of industrial wastes and exhaust gases.





1. Read and say the meaning of the following words:

progress v, stable a, phenomenon n, companion n, adequate a, localize v, dynamic a, equilibrium n, assimilate v.

2. Read and remember the following words:

community – суспільство

concurrent – співпадаючий, діючий одночасно

supply – запас

upset – порушувати порядок

affect –впливати

3.Make up the nouns from the following verbs and translate them:

contaminate, regenerate, pollute, describe, localize, classify, assimilate, compose.

4. Check your knowledge the following words with the terminilogical dictionary:

receptacle, detrimental, contamination, estuary

5. Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

community development, city growth, water supply, constant companion,river valleys, drinking water polluted waterways, river regeneration

долини рік, відродження ріки, розвиток суспільства, ріст міста, водопостачання, забруднення водного шляху, постійний супутник, питна вода

6.Read the text and say in what paragraph is said about influence of violation physics-chemical balance on the ecological structure: