Explain how the natural pollution of the atmosphere happens.

Find in the text the paragraph the sentences about the sources of pollution of the atmosphere at presenr time.

Give the characteristic of main groups of components of exhaust gases/fumes.

Explain the radioactive danger of the atmosphere.



1. Read and translate the following international words:

effective a, sanitary a, hygienic a, transportation n, modernize v.


2. Read and remember the following words:

exceed – перевищувати, переходити межу

legislative – законодавчий

establish – засновувати, закласти

require – вимагати

exclude – виключати, не допускати

measure – міра

install – встановлювати, монтувати

advantage – перевага, вигода, користь


3.Check your knowledge and understanding the meaning the following words with the help of the terminological dictionary:

profit, trap, recuperation,cost alimination, design, zone, contaminant, stream, flame, engine, unit, neutralization, improvement, odour


4. Name the adjectives from which the following adverbs were form:

eventually, completely, fundamentally, legislatively, freely, particularly, usually, extremely


5. Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

1.low, high, permissible/allowable – concentration

припустима, низька, висока - концентрація

2.rough, medium, fine – purification

середня, груба, висока/ тонка очистка

3.poisonous/toxic, exhaust, liquefied, harmful – gas

вихлопні ,знижені, шкідливий, отруйний – газ


6. Read the text and say the new information you have got: