Find in the second paragraph the sentences about the rational use of natural resources.
Using the text prove that the problem of making favourable environment for the manheath has the important meaning.
Find in the text the information about a) rational use of the water; b) protection of air basin of the cities.
Translate into Ukrainian, pay attention to the word “since”.
1. Gasoline is a hydrocarbon, sinceit is a made up of hydrogen and carbon compounds. 2. Glass has been widely used since the ancient times. 3. Sincematter is the basic working material in our world, we ought to learn as much possible about it. 4. Sincediamond is the hardest substance known, it must be polished with diamond dust. 5. Many years have passed sinceMendeleyev made his great discovery. 6. This method of mixing has been used sincethe days of World War II.
15. translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different meanings of “ but”:
1. It seems that the electron is nothing butelectricity. 2. If buta few of the atoms of a body have had an electron removed the body has a small charge. 3. One can easily note how voltage increases during the first quarter-turn butthen decreases during the next quarter turn. 4. The operator saw all the tubes butone function in the proper way. 5. We expect the current cycle and the voltage cycle to finish in step if they start in step. Butin many a. c. circuits the current cycle does not get started as soon as the voltage cycle.
16. Define the function “for” and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:
1. Under these circumstances, it may be shown that maximum efficiency occurs at the load forwhich the constant and variable losses are equal. 2. An ammeter is an instrument formeasuring current. 3. If the cylinder is small the flow of water may be decreased, forthe cylinder and piston will have insufficient capacity forhigh flow. 4. However, for special purposes heat, light and sound are very useful sources of energy, too. 5. Fora period the worker will not work in radioactive areas and doctors will make periodic checks of his physical condition to make certain that he is not harbouring radioactive substances in his body. 6. Some of the atoms in your bones are exploding at all times, forminute of phosphorus in your bones.