Find inthe first paragraph the sentence defining the main idea of this paragraph.
How do you think, about what country is said in the text?
Read the text without the dictionary and say what the main problem is.
People everywhere have become aware of a new kind of pollution – noise pollution. The problem has been brought into sharp focus by the discovery that many teenagers have suffered permanent hearing loss following long exposures to amplified rock music, and by public concern about the effects of sonic booms that would be caused by supersonic transports (SST) if they were put into commercial service.
Noise is usually measured in decibels. A tenfold increase in the strength of a sound adds 10 units on the decibel scale, a 100-fold increase adds 20. The human threshold of hearing is represented by zero decibels.
Even a brief exposure to intense noise can cause temporary loss of hearing acuity. Permanent loss of hearing follows chronic exposure to high noise levels. Noise levels as low as 50-55 decibels may delay or interfere with sleep and result in a feeling of fatigue onawakening. There has been growing evidence that noise in the 90-decibel range may cause irreversible changes in the nervous system. These forms of damdge, including permanent hearing loss such as that suffered by fans of rock music, can occur at noise levels well below those that are painful. Noise may be a factor in many stress-related diseases, such as peptic ulcer and hypertension,although present evidence is only circumstantial. In any case noise pollution is clearly a growing threat to o0ur health and happiness.
teenager – підліток; дівчина або хлопець
peptic ulcer – виразка шлунку
Give a title the text.
Name all international words you have seen in the text.