Classification of English consonants.
1)According to the work of the vocal cords and the force of exhalation the English consonants are subdivided into voiced and voiceless.Voiced consonants are: /b, d, g, z, v, ?, 3, m, n, ?, 1, r, j, w, d3/.Voiceless consonants are: /p, t, k, s, f, ?, h, ?, t?/. The force of exhalation and the degree of muscular tension are greater in the production of voiceless consonants therefore they are called by the Latin word “fortis”, which means “strong, energetic”.
The English consonants /h, m, n, ?, 1, w, j, r/ do not enter into fortis-lenis opposition which can be represented by the following minimal pairs: Pat-bat, tip-dip, come-gum, etc.
II. According to the position of the active organ of speech against the point of articulation (the
place of obstruction) consonants are classified into: 1) labial, 2) lingual, 3) glottal. This principle provides the basis for the following distinctive oppositions: labial vs. lingual (what-hot), lingual vs. glottal (that-hat), labial vs. glottal (foam-home).Labialconsonants are subdivided into: a) bilabial and b) labio-dental.Bilabial consonants are produced with both lips. They are the /p, b, m, w/. Labio-dental consonants are articulated with the lower lip against the edge of the upper teeth. They are /f, v/. Labial consonants enter into bilabial vs. labiodental oppositionwhich can be represented by the following minimal pairs: Wear-fair, mice-vice, etc.
Lingualconsonants are subdivided into: a) forelingual, b) mediolingual and c) backlingual.
Forelingualconsonants are articulated with the tip or the blade of the tongue. According to the position of the tip of the tongue they may be: apicalarticulated by the tip of the tongue against either the upper teeth or the alveolar ridge /t, d, s, z, ?, ?, ?, 3, t?, d3, n, l/ and cacuminal/r/. According to the place of obstruction forelingual consonants may be: (1) interdental / ?, ?/, (2) alveolar /t, d, s, n, l/, (3) post-alveolar /r/, (4) palato-alveolar /?, 3, t?, d3/.
Within the group of forelingual apical can be opposed to cacuminal:dim-rim;oppositions can be found among interdental, alveolar, post-alveolar and palato-alveolar:same-shame (alveolar vs. palato-alveolar), those-rose (interdental vs. post-alveolar), etc.
III. The classification of consonants according to the manner of noise production from the
viewpoint of the closure, which is formed in their articulation may be:
· 1) complete closure, then occlusiveconsonants 1. noise /p, b, t, d, k, g/ and2.sonorants/m,
n, ? / are produced; within the group of occlusive noise can be opposed to sonorant(pine-mine).
· 2) incomplete closure, then constrictiveconsonants 1. noise /f, v, ?, ?, h, s, z, ?, 3/ and2.sonorants/ w, j, 1, r/; within the group of constrictive noise can be opposed to sonorant(fine- wine)