How much do peoples feelings and emotions differ in different situations?

  • bride's feelings on her wedding day;
  • feelings of people who lose an immediate relative;
  • students" emotions on Graduation Day.
    Give your reasons.

In the whole people are the only creatures who have feelings & emotions They arc very different from absolute happiness or fury & hate. In different life situations we experience different feelings & emotions. In some important moments of our life they can be so strong, that we remember them for many years. I think it is not so easy to describe bride's feelings on her wedding day, it is a mixture of endless & in the same time tear. The most terrible moment in the life of every person is to lose an immediate relative. You don't understand anything. It is very hard to loose dear people. Student's emotions on Graduation Day absolute-happiness, you achieved an important goal in your life, you have had higher education. Melancholy about some people you see in the last time. Tear is another stage in new life begins & you can't anticipate what happens to you in future .One day you feel good & the next bad, but those 2poles are compressed all the joys of heaven in the anguish of hell "Emotions" is the general term.which encompasses the feeling tone, the psychological state & even the chemical changes we are beginning to understand underline the sensations we experience. "Feeling" is our objective awareness of our emotional state.It's what we know about our current condition. Feeling Are fine tunings directing the ways in which we will meet & manipulate our environment. Feeling of anxiety, boredom, tension alert us to the sense of something

Wrong & more importantly, they indicate smth. of the nature of the danger & direct us to specific kind of adaptations. Feeling allow usto model our behavior against certain ideals & register whatever we have achieved them or not. For example, student's emotions on the Graduation Day. They are full of the joy & gratitude for the teachers of the University. Pleasurable events either intensify our sense of ourselves or enlarge our view of ourselves.For ex, Bride'sfeelings on her wedding day are full of exitment.Wedding is unforgetable ceremony: newly weds, bridesmaid, parents, guests,


Money makes the world go round. Agree or disagree with this statement.

  • financial issues matter (don't matter) much in family relations;
  • should young families rely on financial support of their parents;