Imagine your friend of 16 are going to get married...
Marriages when the girl and the boy were under 30, were a common thing. If we go further and remember some pieces of literature, we`ll learn that Romeo and Juliet had no gray hair when they decided to get married. The same with Natasha Rostova from War and Peace by Tolstoy. In that case, why do we pay so much attention to young couples today, expecting their separation one or two weeks after the wedding ( While young people can become close to each other much more easily than people in their 30s-40s). Youth has a big advantage,consisting in flexibility of mind, while “grown-ups” have their habits and traditions, which can not simply be sacrificed even for those whom they are deeply in love with.
Moreover, do not forget such an important factor as health which gives the possibility to give birth to-healthy-children.
And after many years when the child grows up, his parents will still remain young and the gap, that often separates different generations because of the difference in their age, will not be visible. Consequently, it will result frendship between children and parents.
Young married couples discover all that new together, and they are in the same “wave length”. The major danger in this situation is the egoism of each of them. In this case, they loose this “wave length” and their marriage begins to sink.
Another problem in my view is having too little money. Early marriages almost always involve money dependence on parents. And here they begin to think seriously whether they really love each other or not. Ar would they rather have a great number of comfortable things.
And most typical I think for early married couples is that everybody tries to teach them how to do this or that. Such pressure usually causes serious conflicts, but this exactly stimulates a young couple to become more independent. It is also easier for a young couple to divorce because they are young. There is nothing to explain. Anyway, early marriages show if you really need your partner and how much you can suffer from him.
And I think it is usless to criticise those who decided to get married at the age of 16-19. Everything always depends only on the couple itself. Of course it is necessary to mention, that some become adults earlier than other.
30. Do you think that important keys of happy marriage are…
Marriage is considered responsibility and individual responsibility and decision. Marriages are usually based on romantic love, rather than on social class, education, money or religion. Marriage is preceded by dating. Appeared «new morality», which accepts close relationships and even living together before marriage. However, many couples don’t approve of this behavior and uphold a double standard in sexual behavior, which means that what is acceptable for young men is not for young women. On the other hand, some young people accept a single standard for both sexes before marriage.
33 Your friend is too light-minded towards drug-addiction. You are convinced that
it is a grave social evil because:
* drug - addicts are socially dangerous;
* they are potential criminals
* forced medical treatment of them proves to be inefficient;
* legal prosecution of drug - addicts is the only means to solve the problem.
It was believed in the past that persons were drug addicts only if they needed the drug daily, or if they went through withdrawal symptoms such when they would abruptly stop using the substance. It was thought that drug addicts were unemployed, poor, and from the inner city.
These are misunderstandings. Many drug addicts do not use drugs daily and do not experience physical withdrawal when they stop using. The majority of addicted people are employed and appear to be functioning normally. They may be your average person in normal employment or in highly paid prestigious positions and of high standing in their communities.
Another delusion deals with the differences between physical and psychological addiction. Physical addiction was thought to be the determining factor in addiction, and little attention was paid to psychological addiction. It is now known that all addictions are characterized by physical and psychological changes. Addiction is far more than physical or psychological dependency: it is a primary disease.