Selfishness is often prolonged in kids by parents who tend to make slaves of
themselves for the children's benefit.
* Do you think being an only child in the family has more pluses or minuses?
*Would you like to have only one or more children in your own family?
Children are the sorts of persons who always need somebody to take them out to direct their actions and minds. Juvenile people mainly think they are adult enough to direct what to do. But I think, that parents complain that their children are self-centered, never think of anyone but themselves, have no sense of responsibility, won’t share things.
To my mind, such children (during the age from 12 till 15) are more independent, more confident in solving problems of their own.
Of course, friends know more about them, that their relatives. It seems to me, being only child in a family has more minuses for the society. Such persons are dangerous, I mean they are egoists.
Their parents have done everything for their children well-being from the childhood and spoiled them.
Such persons can really believe they can do everything they want.
As for me, I’m a second child in my family despite of my large family and a number of children. All my life I was surrounded with love and care and I hope, that my future family will be large as well.
27. You are fond of modern (rock) music. Try to justify your tastes and prove that:
I can`t help but like modern rock-music. Why not? In our democratic society different opinions have the right to exist. The point is that music, like language, is a living, moving thing. Modern music has already acquired classical forms. In early times organizations of music belonged to the church, later it became the property of the 19th century composers found more and more inspiration of their heritage. One of the 1st countries to raise the banner was Russia and 1st famous composers were Glinka. In early times instrumental music broke away from occasions associated. Later orchestral of the café-type assumed strength “giving the public what it wants”.
For many generations band music has held it place in the public favor, especially in Great Britain. Then was a jazz period.
The so-called “revolution began in the mid 50s and was based on the discontent of young generation who were in revolt against the values of their elders. Now what? Never before has music been so popular. Rock music is the reflection of our dynamic life with our problems and difficulties.
Rock music is close to the mode of life and aspirations of the younger generations. Never before has the world greatest need of its stimulation and comfort. I love rock music and no wonder. Many men-many minds. As I`ve already said, in our democratic society different opinions have the right to exist.