I want to become a teacher. My friend criticize my choice.

Modern methods of teaching require a more sympathetic relationship between student and teacher. Do you think that the language classroom differs fundamentally in character from the science or maths-classrooms? If so, in what ways?

Good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It's about not only motivating students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable.

Good teaching is about listening, questioning, being responsive, and remembering that each student and class is different. Eliciting responses and developing the oral communication skills of the quiet students. It's about pushing students to excel; at the same time, it's about being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times.

Good teaching is about not always having a fixed agenda and being rigid, but being flexible, fluid, experimenting, and having the confidence to react and adjust to changing circumstances.

This is very important - good teaching is about humor. It's about being self-deprecating and not taking yourself too seriously.

Good teaching is about caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talents.

Brilliant teaching, in my view, at its heart reflects scholarship, personal integrity and the ability to communicate with the young.

Scholarship is not only an affair of the classroom, but, at its best, is a way of life.

To teach means more than to lecture or explain before a group of students. The best teachers influence their students more in their personal, individual contacts with them than in strict classroom situations.

We know that no one can educate another person, that all of us must educate ourselves. The teacher's role is that of a helper in this process.


I want to become a teacher. My friend criticize my choice.

My dream has always been to become a teacher. I've chosen this profession asmy future occupation a long time ago. Many young people consider teaching career, but my friend criticizes my choice saying this profession isn't worth much nowadays. But have you ever asked youself why most teachers so devot (предан) to their work, and they may not like to admit it openly that they serve humanity doing the most vital job of all? I'm not agree with my friend who say that it's silly to work h'fce a dog and get peanuts. Those of us who spend our days in schools know how rewarding the job is. Yes. this is life-long learning and stress-giving work undetermine your health. It's not easy and a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent as teaching is a cc nstract srrean of decisions. The most important thing in the world are knowledge and learning - wanted to know everyday of your life more and more. If you like children -you will love teaching.

My future profession is a teacher. Nowadays it is considered as ungrateful because the teachers get not enough money.

But to my mind any job has both advantages and disadvantages. And I think in working as teacher money is not main thing. I know many people who have been working as a teacher for many years and it's rather difficult for them to refuse of their job and leave a school. It proves that working as a teacher is very interesting and this work is paid not by money. It's paid by love and respect of pupils and there is nothing more important than these things.

A carrier of a teacher is something other, than for example a carrier of an economist or carrier of a businessman. An economist or a businessman can say that he has made a carrier if he has earned much money or have achieved high post in a company. And teacher's carrier means to be a good teacher. And to be a good teacher means to be highly educated person and to know a lot. Any teacher who improves his mastery can make a carrier of teacher. Carrier of teacher is measured not by money, but by level of self-education and mastery.

However, not any men can become a teacher. People who want to become a teacher must have definite personal qualities. For example, he must be patient, responsible, self-confident and the most important qualities are sociability and love for children.

It must be said that working as a teacher is tiring and nervous. But if you are working at school for many years and still can say "I love children!", you've got a great chance to make a carrier of teacher.

It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn't be taken easily. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exercise-books and preparing for next lesson. Teacher do hot only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people.


In the last 20 years, the assessment of students has undergone major transformation. Many educational institutions no longer use formal examinations as a means of assessment as they believe formal examination results are unfair indication of a student's ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

I believe that, to a certain extent, examinations can give an fair assessment of a student's ability. Even though examination results have been used extensively as a means of assessment in the past, there are times when they do not appear to reflect a student's ability accurately.

Firstly, examinations can be unfair in several ways. For example, the whole career of a candidate depends upon what he or she does on a certain day and hour of an exam. If the candidate is ill, or if he or she has some emotional trauma, these factors could have a negative effect on the student's exam results. Furthermore, some students do not perform well under pressure and require a long time to reach useful conclusions.

Even though they may have studied diligently and know subject thoroughly, their performance does not reflect their ability. For these students, examinations appear to be unfair.

I believe that examinations make people work hard. They assume that in order to do well, students need to work throughout the course as they know they will have to prove themselves at the end.

In conclusion, even though formal examinations have been used in the past, they should no longer be used as the only means of assessment because they can be an unfair indication of the student's overall ability.