Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA), the basis for assessment student’s academic standing and their graduation eligibility, are delivered as follows: each credit graded “A” through “F” is given a correspondingly numeral value called “quality points”

GPA is determined by the Digit Equivalent (in points) multiplied by Number of subject credits and is divided by Number of subject credits.

GPA is used to transfer the students from one academic year to next one.

Students are given feedback regularly during classes as well; they are informed of exam dates, requirements and assessment criteria beforehand. The results are discussed and analyzed by tutors and individual programmes for improvement are worked out. Students have an opportunity to get information about their grades in the following ways:

1. Website. The students by encoding their blue card number can get the necessary information on their current rating results, exam and module results, independent work results, etc.

2. The Office of the Registrar


A student at Abylai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages will agree to conform to the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Codes of Practice of the University.


Programme dates: 1 September 2011 – 30 May 2012

The modules will be taught in 2 terms; both terms also include the time for examinations.


University Enrolment

01 September 2011

3rd year students


Academic training From 01.09.11 till 10.12.11 15 weeks
1st midterm control From 10.10.11 till 15.10.11 1 week
2nd midterm control From 28.11.11 till 03.12.11 1 week
Examination session From 12.12.11 till 31.12.12 3 weeks
Winter holidays From 02.01.12 till 14.01.12 2 weeks
Academic training From 16.01.12 till 28.04.12 15 weeks
1st midterm control From 27.02. 12 till 03.03.12 1 week
2nd midterm control From 16.04. 12 till 21.04. 12 1 week
Examination session From 30.04. 12 till 19.05. 12 3 weeks
Practice   From 21.05. 12 till 09.06. 12   1 week
Summer term From 23.07. 12 till 18.08. 12 4 weeks
Summer holidays From 11.06. 12 till 31.08. 12 13 weeks