Below are conditions you want in an ideal profession. In pairs, list the conditions in order of importance.
Good pay
Stimulating work
Career opportunities
A comfortable workplace
Cheerful colleagues
Generous holidays
Staff development (training courses, etc.)
6. Which of the jobs from Ex.1 :
1. might you be interested in? Why?
2. would you definitely not be interested? Why?
7. Complete the dialogue, using words and word combinations from Ex. 1, 4, and practise it with your partner:
A: Hi! How are you?
B: Fine. I haven’t seen you for ages.
A: Yes, nearly the whole summer.
B: So, tell me about yourself.
A: Well, I finished school three months ago and now I study at DSTU.
B: Great! And what are you going to take up as a career?
A: ……… Actually, I’ve already started. I began my studies a week ago.
B: What are you going to be when you graduate?
A: I’m going to be a (an) ………
B: What made you decide to take up …………. as a career?
A: Well. I was interested in …….. at school and I think I have all necessary qualities and skills to cope with this job.
B: So you think it’s your cup of tea.
A: Exactly. For me it’s the most ….. and ….. work in the world!
Complete the sentences and use them as a plan for your future talk on the choice of your profession.
I am sure that it is difficult to choose the ……………….. .
At school I was interested in …………… so I considered ……………. as my future career.
Now I’m in my first year at DSTU.
There are many specialities such as ………………, ………………….., …………… at our University. .
I’ve taken up ………………………. as a career .
I’m going to be a (an) ……………… when I graduate.
I like this profession because it’s …………………., ………………, ………………… ..
I think it’s the most ………..and ……………… profession in the world.
I think I have all necessary skills and qualities to …………… with it .
So I think it’s really my ……………………………….. .