Look at the sample of rendering. Pay special attention to the words and phrases in bold type.

An introductory part

The text I have got for rendering looks like an article dealing with serious research.

Judging from the copy, it seems to have been taken from some English textbook, probably, from the section referring to science. No author is indicated.

The title of the article goes like “ Thebrain andintelligence”.

The purpose of the unknown author is to present two different approaches on the problem whether human intelligence is localized in the brain or not.

Basic contents

To give us a better understanding of the problem, the author presents its historical background. He gives the traditional view onintelligence spread throughout the whole human brain. He reminds us about the usual definition of intelligence given by Charles Spearman 100 years ago but still popular today.

The author also explains what causeda new wave of discussion on the point. Those were the results of the research done by the team led by John Duncan from Cambridge. They practiced special puzzle-like tests done by their subjects as well as scanning of their heads. The researchers believe that human intelligence is located at the front of the brain.

Next, the author presents the counterpoint coming fromYale psychologist Robert Sternberg. His criticism is directed to intelligence tests used as criteria of intelligence. He believes that they do notmanifestintelligence and ignore the indicators really essential for personal success and qualities of intelligence. Sternberg is also critical as forconclusions drawn by Duncan's team. He sees a possibility for human intelligence to move in the same way as we can move a computer chip, that is its “ intelligence”.


The article is really academic in the problem, language and style. The author gives us several views on the problem. He does not share his personal view. He acts rather as an outside informer, inviting the readers for consideration and discussion. Reading and understanding of the article really needs some effort but may be interesting for an investigating mind.



Read text 4.