
I.Laura is writing to a friend. This is part of her letter.


Someone broke into out house at the weekend. The burglar took some jewellery. But luckily he didn’t do any damage. A very nice young police officer interviewed me. Detectives found some fingerprints, and the police computer identified the burglar. Police have arrested a man and are questioning him. But they haven’t found the jewellery.


Now complete the passive sentences in this conversation. Use a phrase with by only if it adds information.


Laura: Our house was broken into at the weekend.

Melanie: Oh no!

Laura: Some jewellery ________________________________________.

But luckily no damage __________________________________.

Melanie: Did the police come and see you?

Laura: Yes, they did. I __________________________________________.

Melanie: I don’t suppose they know who did it.

Laura: Well, amazingly they do. Some ___________________________________,

and the _________________________________________________________.

A man _______________________ and _________________________________.

Melanie: Wonderful.

Laura: There’s only one problem. The _____________________________________.


II.Active or passive sentence? Write a paragraph from the notes about the first motor car. Some sentences are active and some are passive. Use a phrase with by only if it adds information.


A Belgian called Etienne Lenoir/ make/ the first motor car

The first motor car was made by a Belgian called Etienne Lenoir.

1 but/Lenoir/not produce many cars for sale

But Lenoir_____________________________________________________________

2 a German called Karl Benz / start / commercial production

Commercial ___________________________________________________________

3 people/now/see/Benz/as the father of the motor car



III.Empty subjects. Reply to what people say. Use the subject in brackets.

Daniel: The bus fares have been increased. (they)

Vicky: What you mean they’ve increased the bus fares again?


1 Melanie: Bicycle should be used for short journeys (people)

Davis: Yes, I agree. ______________________________________________________.

2 Emma: A new source of energy has been discovered (someone)

Daniel: What? Did you say that _____________________________________________

3 Rachel: This building is going to be knocked down (they)

Vicky: Well, no one told me that ____________________________________________

4 David: Eggs shouldn’t be kept in a freezer.( you)

Tom: Really? I didn’t know ________________________________________________.

5 Vicky: Why isn’t litter put in the bin?(people)

Emma: Exactly. Why don’t ________________________________________________.