Personal pronoun reference with indefinite pronouns
The main problem (also for native speakers) is to know which personal pronouns to use to 'replace' the indefinite pronouns referring to people (someone anyone'no one-everyone). This is because English has no singular personal pronouns for both male and female. If we want to use personal pronouns (in place of the gaps) in a sentence like:
Everyone knows what has to do doesn t ? the traditional rule is to use masculine pronouns, unless the context is definitely female (e.g. a girls' school):
Everyone knows what hehas to do doesn t he?However, in practice, the plural pronouns, they them, etc. (which refer to both sexes) are used instead without a plural meaning:
Everyone knows what theyhave to do don't they?This has the advantage of avoiding clumsy combinations like he or she and does not annoy mixed groups of people. However, it is not considered acceptable by some native speakers [compare > 2.41,5.31].
4.41 Indefinite pronouns + adjectives and/or the infinitive
Indefinite pronouns can combine with:
- positive adjectives: This is something special
This isn 't anything important
- comparative adjectives: I'd like something cheaper
- the infinitive: Haven’t you got anything to do?
- for (me) + infinitive: Is there anything for me to sit on?(Note that adjectives come after indefinite pronouns.)
4.42 Indefinite pronouns + 'else'
Like question-words (What Who, etc. [> 13.31n8]), indefinite pronouns readily combine with else (everyone else someone else, anything else, etc.); else can mean 'additional/more' or 'different':
- 'more': We need one more helper Can you find anyone else?
- 'different': Take this back and exchange it for something else
Anything (else) and nothing (else) can be followed by but
Nothing (else) but a major disaster will get us to realize that we can t go on destroying the ram forests of the world
Else than is also heard, but this is usually replaced by other than,
especially with reference to people: Someone other than your brother should be appointed manager
Indefinite pronouns referring to people can combine with else s This isn’t mine It s someone else's It’s someone else's coat
5 Quantity
General introduction to quantity