SAQ 2.1

Match the personality types with the individual features. Comment on what you can expect from a given variety of the learner personality types.

Personality types Individual features
1. Introvert 2. Extravert 3. Intuitive 4. Feeling 5. Perceiving 6. Judging 7. Thinking 8. Sensing A. Organized B. Tapping the social contacts C. Neglecting facts D. Interest driven E. Spontaneous F. Task driven G. Details stuck H. Looking inside one’s inner world  


Warming up discussion 2.4

Indicate at least three implications that the following proverb has for the individual styles of cognition

Proverb Implications
“One man’s meat is another man’s poison”


A cognitive style can be defined as a preference of an individual to process information in a certain way. The style can be made evident as a rigid preference or a prevalent tendency in the way of learning (Madeline, E. 1996. Understanding Second Language Learning Difficulties Sage Publications. Oxford, R. 1994. Language Learning Strategies. Washington). Learners differ in their cognitive styles and these differences can be described in a number of ways using a variety of classifications. Cognitive styles are sometimes described as kinaesthetic, visual and auditory (Reid, J. 1987. The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly. Vol. 21. P. 87-111 ). Kinaesthetic learners prefer learning by active involvement and hands-on experience. Visual learners feel most comfortable in reading tasks and relying on visual memory. Auditory learners are most effective in listening and relying on the information “ringing in the ears”. These types of style make a difference in the way the learners manage the learning inputi.e. obtain the information, which is to be learned.


SAQ 2.2