Secondary Redirects
The secondary redirect happens after the customer has chosen to exit the main promotion, stay on the primary redirect url, and then attempts to exit the second promotional or url page. Most commonly, this comes after a customer has navigated to a video promotion, exited, landed on the HTML page, and then tries to exit the HTML page.
When creating a new piece of HTML Content or editing an existing HTML content, a Pop Up Content is located at the bottom of the template.
Enter the content you wish to display on the exit pop up box and when ready click Create Content to save.
If that HTML promotion is then used as an HTML redirect on some other primary content in IRIS, you will see the secondary redirect option for efforts using that piece original piece of content.
When users select the Primary content tied to that redirect they will see this option when creating their effort: Secondary Redirect. By selecting this box you can manually insert a secondary redirect landing page URL.
If the secondary redirect is in place, customers will experience the following: