Search Functionality
Within IRIS you can search for a variety of information through the basic Search feature. To utilize the search feature, select SEARCH from the main schedule options in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
A pop up layer will appear asking you to select the Item Type (Subscription, Product or Lead Gen) and the Search Type (Promo Code, Item, URL, Multivariate ID, Version Name, Media Outlet, Copywriter, Marketer or Repair).
Copywriter: allows you to search all efforts tied to a particular copywriter name or code.
Item Code: searches the marketing schedule screens for the item (pub) code you enter.
Marketer:returns all efforts created by a specific user of IRIS that is selected.
Media Outlet: scans the advertising partners, lists and general ad placement locations entered on the effort level.
Multivariate ID: searches the effort details pages for Placement ID’s. See Multivariate Testing for more information.
Promo Code: searches the marketing schedule screens for specific promo codes. Enter all or part of the promo code and click Submit. If you wish to search for a group of promo codes, select Range and then enter the beginning and end of the promo code sequence and click Submit.
Repairable Efforts: allows you to search all efforts in need of data repair to complete appropriate calculations. See Data Integrity for more information.
Vanity URL: searches the available effort details pages for URLs. You may enter all or part of a URL and IRIS will return as many applicable search results as possible.
Version Name: searches the marketing schedule to return all of the applicable version names entered in the search box.