Multivariate Links
A Multivariate Link acts as a “traffic control center” for your promotions. The link structure includes a placement id (found at the end of the URL) that allows multiple efforts and promotions to be placed on the same ID. This will give you the power to control web traffic to various promotions on the fly.
Create the first segment of your test as normal, by creating a new effort and submitting a promo code request through the My Queue screen.
Select COPY from the effort options OR effort details screen. You will be prompted to choose if you would like this new effort to be used within the same Placement ID, answer YES.
Make changes to the Version name and Segment (if necessary) and select Copy Effort – all efforts housed within the same Placement ID must share the same Pub Code.
To view all efforts connected to a Placement ID, select the DETAILSof any effort tied to a particular placement ID and then select Edit Multivariate.
A new box will appear that displays the details and reporting for all efforts associated with the particular link ID. Notice the controls for the efforts appear under the ACTIVE column and depending on if Automatic or Manual is selected, can be controlled by the user.
Automatic:evenly distributes the percentage of web traffic based on the number of efforts attached to the link ID. (i.e., if there are two efforts it is a 50/50 split…for three efforts it would be 33/33/33 approximately, four efforts would generate a 25/25/25/25 split of web traffic.
Manual: allows for the user to dictate which percentage of web traffic goes to which promotion by manually entering the split percentage in the boxes that appear. They must total 100%.
Select Save to save all changes
You also have the ability to make changes after the mailing has been sent and orders have been placed. For instance – if you decide that one mailing is doing better than another and you wish to divert all remaining traffic that visit the page to one promotion only – you may deactivate a promotion by unchecking the box in the Active column.