Ex. 4. Read and learn the rhyme.
They call me little Sleepy Head!
I yawn at work, I yawn at play!
I yawn and yawn and yawn all day.
Then take my sleepy yawns to bed.
That’s why they call me Sleepy Head!
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Ex.1. Listen and repeat. (Lesson 14, ex. 5) track 60
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Ex. 1. Practise reading the words. Mind the positional length. (Lesson 15, ex. 2) track 61
Ex. 2 Read and learn the rhyme.
Boys, lots of noise, little brain peacock vain;
Shifty, sly, often lie,
Chasing cats and smashing toys,
That sums up our view of boys.
Girls, beautiful curls, kind and polite,
Hate wrong, like right,
Courteous and coy, a regular joy,
Eyes like stars and teeth like pearls.
Why can’t all of us be girls?
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