Guidelines on submitting registration/presentation set.


1. Complete Registration Form.

2. Complete Presentation Form if you would like to present. The abstract will be used by the reviewers in the selection process. Proposals may be submitted by an individual or a group.

3. Pay Registration fee using the bank information below:


Банк: ПриватБанк р/р 29243825510602 МФО 315405 ЗКПО 22772795 Призначення платежу:благодійний внесок Номер карти:4627 0817 1494 1650 Отримувач: Миколайчук Аліса Іванівна  


4. E-mail the following set of documents to March 15, 2013:

· Registration Form

· Copy of your payment receipt

· Presentation Form (for presenters only)

· Up two-page article (optional and for presenters only)

IMPORTANT: Please indicate the following details in the subject line of your e-mail:

· Last name

· Oblast name (or country name for foreign guests)

· Type of your participation (presenter or attendee)

· Topic of your paper for those who send articles to be published in the Books of papers (linguistics, methodology, or literature)


5. Invitations will be sent out after March 15, 2013