You are given the main issues and requirements of biometric technologies. Match them with the corresponding definitions.
Issues | Definitions |
Accuracy | Indicates the length of time from beginning of operation until final authentication/identification |
Usability | Indicates the degree to which the specific trait being measured is present in everyone |
Smallness | Indicates ease of use of the system |
Spoof Proof | Indicates how easy it is to fool the system and impersonate someone else |
Speed | Indicates the degree to which the system is perceived as intruding into the person’s privacy |
Cost | Indicates the size of the capturing device |
Universality | Indicates how accurately the technology measures the individual’s identification |
Privacy | Indicates the size of the capturing device |
2. Use the internet to find some information about the following biometric devices and complete the table below with appropriate information:
Browser | Retinal scanner | Fingerprint scanner | Hand-geometry device | Facialrecognitiondevice |
Accuracy | ||||
Usability | ||||
Smallness | ||||
Spoof Proof | ||||
Speed | ||||
Cost | ||||
Unique Features | ||||
Strengths | ||||
Weaknesses |
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