Depth of water over Pipelines, Crossing Pipelines. Drying heights, Wreck symbols,

37. Ascertain depth of water under keel. Minimum keel clearance. Centimeters.

37A South Safanya 1100 hrs, 29th June 2003, you have a draft 4, 3 m, a sounding of 6,2 m.

What is overall depth of water under keel? = (1, 9 meters)

37B What is depth of water at West pier Spit Buoy at 1000 hrs, on 29th December 2004 year.

= 4,7+0,72=5,42 meters.

38. Determine whether tide flooding or tide ebbing with tide table.


39. Familiarity with ARAMCO tide tables, Interpolation, & International & Explain terminology.


40. Definition of: L.A.T – Lowest Astronomical Tide (Chart datum - Zero of chart)

I.S.L.W – Indian Spring Low Water

H.A.T – Highest Astronomical Tide

M.S.L – Mean Sea Level

I. A. L. A– International Association Lighthouse Authority.

B.A. – British Admiralty Chart

S. U. R – Saudi Aramco Chart.

S. C. B. A– Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.

E. E. B. D – Emergency Escape Breathing Device.

EPIRB – Emergency position indicating Radio Beacon.

SART – Search and Rescue Radar Transponder.

41.Calculate. Explain mean stability, and all abbreviations:

Ship’s D =1000; KG =4.0m, load W=200kg; KG = 5.0m. Find KG after load.


1000 4.0 4000

200 5.0 1000 5000 : 1200 = 4.16 (4.17) KG after load.

1200 ? 5000


G Centre of gravity LBP Length between perpendiculars
KG Centre of gravity above keel. ø Angle of inclination.
M Metacentre LOA Length over all.
B Moulded breadth of ship MLD Moulded draft of ship
GM Metacentric high    
GZ Actual righting arms measured from G. KM Vertical distance of transverse metacentre M before loading/discharging
LCF Longitinual centre of floatation MTC Meter per centimeter
LCB Longitinual centre of buoyancy MTI Inch per centimeter


42. Which operation every day do it with ballast?


43. What happens with stability in time of loading ?


44. What is Free Surface Effect? Explain?



43. What is specific gravity of seawater? 1,025


44. What is meant by “fresh water allowance”? 1,00



45. What is meant by TPC / TPI (Tons Per Centimeters/ Inch) immersion.

= (The increase displacement due to a uniform increase in draught of one centimeter)


46. Load Line? Appropriate Load Line & Seasonal Zone/Draught Mark?

47. Squat: - Explain, and action for reduce. Calculate.

= (F max = 2 x CB x VK2 / 100 (CB=0,70m; K – Speed in Knots)) Brown’s Page 625-626.

For a vessel underway, the bodily sinkage and change of trim which are caused by the pressure distribution on the hull due to the relative motion of water and hull. The effect begins to increase significantly at depth-to-draft ratios less than 2.5. It increases rapidly with speed and is augmented in narrow channels.

48. What is GHA and Declination of a celestial body?

Greenwich hour angle.. Angular distance west of the Greenwich celestial meridian; the arc of the celestial equator, or the angle at the celestial pole, between the upper branch of the Greenwich celestial

meridian and the hour circle of a point on the celestial sphere, measured westward from the Greenwich celestial meridian through 360°; local hour angle at the Greenwich meridian.

declination., n. 1. Angular distance north or south of the celestial equator; the arc of an hour circle between the celestial equator and a point on the celestial sphere, measured northward or southward from the celestial equator through 90°, and labeled N or S (+ or -) to indicate the direction of measurement. 2. Short for MAGNETIC DECLINATION.

49. Calculate compass error by SUN. Explain how you do it?