TRANSLATION OF phraseological units (IDIOMS)

Phraseological units – are structurally (не можна міняти місцями, бо втрачається смисл), lexically (якщо брати синонім, значення не зберігається) and semantically (утв. значення в цілому як заг. одиниця, єдине ціле) stable language units (word-combinations or sentences), the meaning of which is not made up by the sum of meanings of their component parts.

Ph. units can’t be freely made up in speech but they are reproduced as ready-made units (готові).


Taking into account various peculiarities of meaning and form of ph.units, several ways of rendering their meaning can be distinguished:


1. By choosing absolute or complete equivalents

This is the method of translating when every componential part of the SL idiom is retained unchanged in the TL. This method works when an idiom originates from Greek or other mythology (Augean stables – авгієві стайні, Pandora’s box – скринька пандори), ancient history or literature (to cross the Rubicon - перейти Рубікон), the Holy Scripture (a lost sheep – заблудла вівця), literary or historical sources (the fifth column – п’ята колона) or any other language (Eng. time is money – час-гроші, Fr. after us the deluge – після нас хоч потоп), also some expressions belonging to English and American writers and politicians (the cold war – холодна війна, iron curtain – залізна завіса)


2. Translation of idioms by choosing near equivalents

A considerable number of ph.units originating in the SL and the TL from a common source may have one or more of their components different.

Ex. baker’s dozen – чортова дюжина

as pale as paper – блідий як стіна

love is the mother of love – любов породжує любов

measure twice, cut once – сім раз одміряй, один раз одріж

3. Translation by choosing (genuine idiomatic) analogies

A number of SL ph.units have idiomatic analogies in the TL. As a rule these ph.units are based on different images and may have quite different structures. Nevertheless such units are very close in their meaning and may be used interchangeably in the process of translation. Usually these are proverbs and sayings. A number of such ph.units may have several/ two or more analogies in the TL.

Ex. like mistress, like maid – яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає

don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs – не вчи вченого, не вчи рибу плавати, яйця курку не вчать


4. Translating idioms by choosing approximate analogies

? Some idioms may have a peculiar nature of their componental parts and there is no genuine phraseological analogies for the units in the TL. Therefore the lexical meaning can be expressed by means of approximate analogies or in a descriptive way. These analogies are slightly similar to the SL but no less picturesque (to lose one’s breath – кидати слова на вітер, to come off scot free – вийти сухим з води).

_Some SL ph.units are only partly/partially similar in their meaning to certain TL idioms. So they can be used interchangeable as translation equivalents only in certain contexts.

Ex. to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth (means to be born lucky) – народитися в сорочці, під щасливою зіркою (=поталанило)

(тобто значення частково співпадають, обмежено використ.)

a jack of all trades (but master of nons) (negative meaning) – майстер на всі руки (positive meaning)


5. Descriptive translating of ph.units

The meaning of a considerable number of ph.units can be rendered only in descriptive way.

Depending on the complexity of meaning of the SL idiom, it can be expressed in the TL in following ways:

§ by single word (to pall and peal – грабувати, to go aloft – померти)

§ with the help of word-combination or sentence (to shoot Niagara – вдаватися до ризикованих дій, well-day – час між приступами хвороби)


Ex. a kid-glove policy – поміркована, обережна пол.-ка

scorched-earth policy – пол.-ка випаленої землі (коли відходять)

wait-and-see policy – пол.-ка очікування

to play politics – вести пол. гру (нечесну)

dollar diplomacy – дипломатія долара

carrot and stick diplomacy – дипломатія батога та пряника

the common touch – вміння спілкування з народом (про великих)

to strike the middle ground – погоджуватись, іти на компроміс