Peculiarities of TFL Vocabulary.

Date: 20-26/04/14

Lesson 8

Subject: Methodology of FLT

Name: Bakirova G

Groups: 201 202

Time:90 min

The theme of the lesson: The content of vocabulary teaching

Main aim: to introduce new theme, to develop SS knowledge about teaching vocabulary, to distinguish the selection of vocabulary material taking into account age peculiarities, level of knowledge of the learners.

Subsidiary aims: To develop writing, reading, speaking, listening skills and gr and phonetic habits, to extend ss` knowledge and outlook, to form intercultural communicative competence.

Teaching aids, materials, equipment:

Books, cassettes, dictionaries, cards

Stages of the lesson, tasks and activities for each stage:

The first stage:

Questions for discussion:

The content of vocabulary teaching

Peculiarities of TFL Vocabulary.


The problem of TVis one of the main in FLT. It cannot be neglected, the status/position of V. was dif. in dif. times of FLT. During the Grammar-Translation method the main focus was paid to grammar & translation, so V. was turned up to Grammar. Besides V. was taught on the bases of direct association between the words & notions. Things became dif. when Audio-lingual method appeared. Words were used & taught in Grammar structures. Specialists considered that V. was the easiest aspect, so required less attention. V. was strictly limited & learnt in structures. V. suffered such neglect till 1950-60s nowadays the Communicative Cognitive approach the main aim of TV to develop lexical habits for S.W.R.L as a form of communication. Rubinshtein S.V. defined a habit as an automotive component of conscious activity. From psychological point of view habits are automotive, dynamic stereotypes which appear as a result of repetition.

Lexical habit includes 2 components:

1.Word formation;

2.Word usage. River W. there are 3 edges of a pie in learning a word. Word→ form(sound, spelling, morphological); meaning; usage.

Considerable attention has been paid to the problem of V. selection & V. minimum. The number of word that pupil should acquire at school depends on the program requirements which are determined by the state documents. It is admitted that V. must be carefully selected the principles of selecting linguistic materials, the conditions of teaching & learning.

The first selection of V. was made by Komenskii in the 17th c. He chose 8000 words for his Latin TB “Orbis Pictus”. He thought that this stock of words is enough for getting acquainted with the world. His V. was too numerous & it consisted of special words which are not frequently used in life.

The problem V. selection became extremely important at the end of 19th c. Harold Palmer & Michael West made a great contribution. Their leading principle was the ability of words to agree with other words. The linguistic material for their V. was taken from Bible, which was not quite suitable for teaching purposes.

M.West in 1960 published his gen. service list of Eng. words (1200 w-s) which he divided into 2 groups:

1)form or structural words (words that we talk with);

2)content words (words that we talk about).

The first attempt to select V. on scientific principles was made by L.V.Sherba. The lexical minimum was meant for receptive & reproductive knowledge. It was too specious & numerous, it didn’t include phraseology. Another attempt was made by Rahmanov & his colleagues. They distinguish 3types of V:

1. Active V. (1000) for reproductive usage;

2. Passive V. (3000) for receptive usage;

3. Potential V. (free & individual). By Potential V. we understand the knowledge of WF (suffixes, prefixes, conversation, and power of guessing). open & dynamic, it suggests how well you know WF & intonation. We can definitely say what is our Active & Passive V., but we do not know our Potential V.

The leading principle for selection of lexical minimum is:

1.the principle of combinability – ability to agree with other words;

2.the ability to be semantically valuable;

3.the ability to be of polysemantic valuable;

4.the principle of frequency use.