a. Read these two sentences. Choose the one, where Mike has already planned to invite Daisy to St.-Petersburg.
1. I’m going to invite Daisy to St.-Petersburg.
2. I’ll invite Daisy to St.-Petersburg.
B. A man is discussing his day’s plans as they appear in hjs diary. Look at the extract from the diary, and then decide which sentence he should use.
1. I’ll have my lecture on Maths at 10 and then I’ll meet Harry. (10.00 - lecture)
2. I’m having my lecture on Maths at 10 and then meeting Harry at 12.30. (12.30 - Harry)
c. You are in a hurry. You don’t want to be late. You think:
1. I’ll take a taxi.
2. I’m taking a taxi.
D. Two friends discuss their plans for the evening. They’ve decided to go to the concert. They tell someone what they have decided.
1. We are going to the concert today.
2. I think we’ll go to the concert today