Let’s talk about weather and climate. What is your favourite season and what is the weather like during this season?

Frankly speaking, I prefer summer to any other season. In June the trees and flowers are in full blossom. The fields and meadows are very beautiful, the grass is green. It is warm and even hot. If the heat gets too oppressive people enjoy bathing in the river or in the lake. It is very pleasant to lie on the sandy beach and sunbathe.

It may seem strange but I like winter. I enjoy skating and skiing. We can have a lot of fun making snowmen with our friends. But on the other hand, I don’t like slushy mild winters because, firstly, I don’t know what to wear and, secondly, my boots always get dirty in such weather.

Are you weather dependent?

I guess I’m too young to be weather dependent. But my Granny is weather dependent and she usually suffers from headaches when there are so-called magnetic storms.

What questions will you ask your British friend about the weather in his country?

Your friend wants to know what climate change is caused by. Can you explain it to him?

Climate change is the most dramatic environmental problem. The earth is already warmer than it was 100 years ago. Global warming is happening because we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. When there is a lot of carbon dioxide it traps more heat, so the earth is getting hotter. As a result we have hotter and drier summers, warmer and wetter winters, more storms and rainfall, extreme weather conditions and raising sea-levels.