At the calculation of magnetic circuit a magnetizing current is determined, stipulating MMF of asynchronous motor. For this purpose it is necessary to calculate MMF of magnetic circuit as a sum of magnetic voltage drops across separate areas of magnetic circuit of asynchronous machine: air-gaps, tooth areas, backs of armature and rotor :
F∑ = Fδ + Fz1 + Fj1 + Fz2 + Fj2
where Fz1 and Fz2 − magnetic voltage drops respectively in the toothes of stator and rotor; Fj1 and Fj2 − magnetic voltage drops respectively in the back of stator and rotor.
The value of magnetic flux is determined also in an air-gap:
Фδ0 = kЕ0∙Uph1/(4ksh∙kw1∙wph1∙f), (52) where kЕ0 = 1/(1 + kσ0), kσ0 = Хs1/Хm = I0m Хs1/(Uph1 – I0m Хs1) – a dispersion factor of flux linkage of primary circuit, approximately accepted equal to kЕ0 = 0,95÷0,97; I0m – magnetizing current in the o.c. mode.
Magnetic induction in the air-gap of motor in the o.c. mode is
Вδ0 = [Фδ0/(αi∙li∙τ]∙104 = [1,57∙Фδ0/(li∙τ)]∙104. (53)
Calculation of magnetic voltage drops in stator and air-gap is made in accordance with methodology, expounded in § 2.6 [1]. Magnetic voltage drops in the toothes of rotor at straiht and trapezoid toothes is calculated also in accordance with § 2.6 [1].
In case of application of "squirrel-cage" round slots are used on a rotor (fig. 9, а). At the calculation of MMF of toothes the following values are determined:
rating width of tooth
bz2= π[Dr − 2(hlm2 + d/3)]/z2 − 0,94d;
tooth step of rotor
tz2 = π∙Dr / z2
coefficient, taking into account the increase of induction in rotor toothes relativly to induction in an air-gap
kz2 = tz2∙l1 / (ksf∙bz2∙l2)
where l1 and l2 − active length of stator and rotor; at l1 = l2
kz2 = tz2 / (ksf∙bz2)
magnetic induction in rotor toothes is
Bz2 = kz2∙ Вδ;
length of magnetic line of force in rotor toothes is
Lz2 = 2d
MMF of rotor toothes (on the poles pair)
Fz2 = Hz2∙Lz2,
where Hz2 is determined by the curve of magnetizing.
MMF of rotor back is determined:
Fj2 =Hj2∙Lj2,
where Lj2 = π∙Dr,av / 2p; Dr,av = Dr – 2hz2 – hj2; hj2 − height of rotor back; Hj2 − field intensity in the rotor back.
The value of hj2 is determined by a formula
hj2 = [(Dr – 2hz1 – Di2) / 2] − 2∙nax,v∙dax,v / 3,
where Di2 − internal diameter of rotor (bore for a shaft); nax, v − number of rows of axial vent channels; dax, v − diameter of axial of a vent channel; in the absence thereof of vent a member 2∙nax,v∙dax,v / 3 equals to the zero.
The value of the field intensity is determined by induction in the armature back
Bj2 = Фδ0∙104/(2Sj2),
where Sj2 = hj2∙ksf∙l2 − area of cross-section of rotor back.
At the calculation of MMF of rotor back of bipolar machines it is accepted, that a magnetic flux passes also through the shaft of motor, but induction in a yoke remains unchanging along a pole pitch. Intensity Нj2 is determined by the basic magnetizing curve. In this connection for the rotor back of bipolar motor it is accepted
hj2 = (Dr – 2hz2)/2, Lj2 = 2hj2
At the calculation of asynchronous machine one has to set oneself the value of αi. After implementation of calculation it is necessary to specify the value of αi. As researches show, the value of αi substantially depends on the saturation of tooth areas and backs of stator and rotor. If designate ratio of MMF of toothes, backs and MMF of air-gap by coefficients
kμz = (Fz1 + Fz2) / Fδ; kμb = (Fj1 + Fj2) / Fδ,
that for determination of αi it is possible to take advantage Fig. 12 of curves, shown on a fig. 12.
A value of curve shape coefficient of the field ksh depends on a value αi (fig. 13).
Total MMF of magnetic circuit F∑ allows to define the magnetizing current value (reactive constituent of o.c. current)
I0m = 1,11∙p∙F∑/m1∙wph1∙kw1), (54)
Fig. 13 where m1 − number of stator winding phases.
At m1 = 3
I0m = 0,37∙p∙F∑/( wph1∙kw1) (55)
After determination of magnetizing current a checking of
dispersion coefficient of flux kσ0 is made:
kσ0 = I0m∙Хs1 / (Uph1 – I0m∙ Хs1).
If values of coefficients αi, ksh, kσ go away with accepted at the beginning of calculation, then it is necessary again to make the calculation of magnetic circuit and magnetizing constituent of primary current.
Current of idling
I0 = √(I20m + I20a), (56)
where I0a = Р0/(m1∙Uph1) − active constituent of o.c. current, Р0 − losses of the synchronous idling, Р0 = Pst + m1∙I20∙r1; Рst − losses in steel.
Power-factor of the synchronous idling
cosφ0 = I02 / I0.
Coefficient of saturation
kμ = F∑0 / Fδ.
Constituent of magnetizing current on air-gap (А)
Iδ = I0m / kμ
Constituent of magnetizing current on steel
Ist = I0m (F∑0 − Fδ) / F∑ = I0m (1 – 1/ kμ).
For the further calculations of asynchronous machine it is necessary to calculate and plot B-H curve which represents dependence of magnetic induction of air-gap or E.M.F. of machine on a magnetizing current
Bδ = f (Im) or Eph1 = φ(Im)
For the plotting of B-H curve it is necessary to calculate magnetic circuit also for a few values of induction Bδ or magnetic flux Фδ besides their values for the mode of o.c. of motor.
Foremost expediently to calculate magnetic circuit for nominal generator mode. In this case it is possible to choose kE = 1 and so:
Фδnom = kЕ∙Uph1/4∙ksh∙kw1∙wph1∙f) = Uph1/4∙ksh∙kw1∙wph1∙f) (57) Вδnom = [Фδnom / (αi∙li∙τ)]∙104 (58)
MMF of air-gap, magnetic inductions in the toothes of stator and rotor are changed in direct dependence on magnetic induction of air-gap. Magnetic inductions in the backs of stator and rotor depend on the design value of pole overlap coefficient:
Вj1 = Вj10(αi/αi0)(Вδ/Вδ0); Вj2 = Вj20(αi/αi0)( Вδ/Вδ0),
where Вj10, Вj20, αi0 − values for the o.c. mode.
Calculationof MMF of separate areas of magnetic circuit and total MMF on the poles pair is made the same as for the o.c. mode.
Magnetizing current
Im = Im0F∑ / F∑0.
Value of E.M.F. Еph1 for every value of Bδ(Фδ) is determined by the known expression
Eph1 = 4∙ksh∙kw1∙wph1∙f ∙Фδ. (59)
return false">ссылка скрытаIt is possible to count up inductive resistance of magnetizing circuit for every value of Im
Xm = Eph1 / Im.
The curves of Eph1 and Хm depending on the current of Im are presented on a fig. 14. These curves characterize the degree of saturation of magnetic circuit of machine. The value of magnetizing current Im = Im0 and value of inductive resistance of magnetizing circuit Хm = Хm0 correspond to the point ofub>0 and value of inductive resistance of magnetizing circuit Хm = Хm0 correspond to the point of idling (fig. 1, b) of the generator mode at Eph1 = Eph0. Curves of Eph1, Хm = f (Im) are used for the calculation of machine characteristics in traction and Fig. 14 generator modes