The most widespread forms of electromagnets of this type are electromagnets, presented on fig 1.3. As it follows from pictures, in examined cases there are two identical basic air-gap, in this connection a full electromagnetic force F is determined by a formula
F = 2F0 = 2∙5,1∙B02∙ S0 / μ0,
Fig. 1.3, a where В0 − induction in a basic air-gap, Wb/сm2; S0 − equivalence cross-section ofeach of basic gaps, сm2.
So, MMF, being on both gaps, determined so:
(w∙I)0 = φ (w∙I)П = 2∙δ0∙B0 / μ0,
where φ − coefficient, taking into account of MMF drop in steel and non-working gaps.
Induction В0 with a glance of possible in exploitation lowering of MMF (w∙I)п = χ∙w∙I, where χ ≤ 1, equals to: B0 = μ0∙φ∙χ∙w∙I / 2δ0
Permissible MMF w∙I of electromagnet coils is determined coming from its operation mode, terms of heating and presence of two coils, having a cooling surface 2Scl.
a) Continuous running duty ofFig. 1.3, b electromagnet
For this mode next correlations, similar to got before, are correct. Resistance of one coil :
R = 10-4∙ρ∙π∙(1 + n)∙dc∙w / 2Sm
where w − total number of loops of both coils; Sm – cross-section of wire metal, equals to :
Sm = 2fap∙m∙n∙ dc2 / w.
So, general losses in resistance of electromagnet are equal to:
P = 2R∙I2 = 10-4∙ρ∙π∙(1 + n)∙w2∙I2 / fap∙m∙n∙dc
On the other hand, Р is determined from correlation
Θper = P / 2h∙Scl = P / [2h∙(Sex + α∙Sin)].
Substituted Р and Scl from (1.5) into the formula Θper, we will define the value of MMF of electromagnet:
w∙I = 2√[104∙fap∙m2∙n∙(1 + 2n + α)∙h∙Θper∙dc3 / ρ(1 + n)]
the value of electromagnetic force
F = 8∙104∙μ0∙φ2∙ε2∙χ2∙fap ∙τ2∙m2∙n∙(1+ 2n + α)∙h∙Θper∙dc5/ [ρ(1 + n) δ02],
and key size of a core
dс = 5√{[103∙ρ∙(1 + n)∙F∙δ02 / [φ2∙ε2∙χ2∙fap∙τ2∙m2∙n∙(1+ 2n + α)∙h∙Θper]}
Designating, as well as before,
C1 = [2∙103∙ρ(1+n)] / [φ2∙χ2∙fap∙τ2∙m2∙n∙(1+2n+α)∙h∙Θper], we will get accordingly:
F = 2ε2∙dc5 / (C1∙ δ02) (1.42)
and dc = 5√[C1∙F∙δ02 / 2ε2] (1.43)
Transformation of the last formula gives dependence
F / δ03 = 2ε2∙χ5 / C1, (1.44)
facilitating, as it was explained before, determination of dc = χ∙δ0. Thus under F they understand full force of electromagnet. In this case we determine:
1) MMF of coils
w∙I = (9∙103∙dc / φ∙χ∙τ)∙√(dc / C1) (1.45)
2) cross-section of wire
Sm = [2.82∙ρ∙(1 + n)∙dc2 / (φ∙χ∙τ∙U)]∙√(dc / C1) (1.46)
3) number of coil loops
w = U∙√[103∙fap∙n / ρ∙(1 + n)∙(1 + 2n + α)∙h∙Θper∙dc)] = C2∙U∙√(C1 /dc) (1.47)
4) induction in a working air-gap
B0 = (0,396∙10-4√F) / (τ∙ε∙dc)
approximately by a formula
B0 ≈ (4∙10-5 / τ∙ 5√C1)∙√(F3/ δ04)
b) Recursive short-time mode
Conclusions, similar to given above, determine next correlations for the electromagnets of this type:
F = 2p2cr∙ε2∙d5c / (C1∙δ02) (1.48) dc = 5√[C1∙F∙δ02 / (2p2cr∙ε2)] (1.49)
F / δ03 = 2p2cr∙ε2χ5 / C1(1.50)
w∙I = (9∙103∙pcr∙dc / φ∙χ∙τ)∙√(dc / C1) (1.51)
Sm = [2.82∙ρ∙(1 + n)∙pcr∙dc2 / (φ∙χ∙τ∙U)]∙√(dc / C1) (1.52)
w = (U/ pcr)∙√{103∙fap∙n / [ρ∙(1 + n)∙(1 + 2n + α)∙h∙Θper∙dc)]}(1.53)
The coefficient of overcurrent pcr can be defined under the set size of relative duty ratio DR%: pcr = √100 / DR%.
c) Short-time duty
In this mode, ignoring heat emission from a surface, they accept, that all radiated heat in a coil goes to heating of active material. For electromagnets with externalforward armature travel and two coils it is got a like § 1.1:
permissible current density in the cross-section of wire
j = I / Sm = w∙I / (2fap∙m∙n∙d2c),
MMF of electromagnet
w∙I = 2fap∙m∙n∙j∙d2c,
induction in a basic air-gap
B0 = μ0∙φ∙χ∙ w∙I / 2δ0,
full electromagnetic force
F = 5,1π∙μ0∙φ2∙χ2∙j2∙f2ap∙m2∙n2∙ε2∙τ2∙d6c / δ02.
If to enter denotation
C3 = √[2∙103∙ρ / c∙γm∙Θper∙ φ2∙χ2∙f2ap∙m2∙n2∙τ2] ≈ 0,14 / (φ∙χ∙fap∙m∙n∙τ), (1.54)
that we will get
F = 2ε2∙d6c / C23∙ δ02∙ton.. (1.55)
The key size of examined electromagnetic core in short-time duty is determined by a formula
dc = 3√ [(C3∙ δ0 / 1,41∙ε)∙√(F∙ton) (1.56)
Dependence of F = F(χ) is determined by correlation
√F / δ02 = 1,41∙ε∙x3 / (C3∙√ton) (1.57)
from which it is determined by a method, considered before:
dc = χ∙δ0
and accordingly cross-section of wire metal
Sm = 2π∙ρ∙(1 + n)∙fap∙m∙n∙d3c / (U∙√ton)
and number of loops of two coils
w = U∙C4∙√ton / dc ≈ U∙√ton / (π∙ρ∙(1 + n)∙dc) (1.58)
Induction in a working air-gap is calculated under the found values of dc, χ, ε or approximately by a formula:
B0 ≈ (3,8∙10-5 / τ∙ 3√C3)∙ 3√[F / (δ0∙√ ton)]