What pathologic processes developed in the victim of the accident? Substantiate your answer by the reported data.
Which of the processes is the most pathogenic? Explain its etiology.
Describe the main stages of pathogenesis of the mentioned pathologic process.
Why did the injections of morphine and the analeptic drug fail to improve the patient's condition?
Hand-outs: cases, lecture
The basic
5. Litvitsky P.F., Pirozhkov S.V., Tezikov E.B. Concise lectures and tests on pathophysiology E-tekstbook. – ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007
6. Pathologic basis of disease. Hemodynami disorders.V. Kumar, A.K. Abbas, S.N. Fausto, 8th edition, 2010.- P. 122-139
7. Basic Pathology. Hemodynami disorders. Vinay Kumar, Ramsi S. Cotran, Stanley L. Robbins. 9th edition, 2013. P 63- 77
8. Textbook of pathology. Harsh Mohan. 4rd edition, Delhi, 2004.-P. 102-106.