Practical work of students
Definition of hypoxia and its classification
2. Exogenous hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, oxygen blood capacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
3. Respiratory hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, oxygen blood capacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
4. Anemic hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, oxygen blood capacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
5. Circulatory hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, oxygen blood capacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
6. Histotoxic and substrate types of hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, blood oxygencapacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
7. Overutilization hypoxia: causes, types and typical changes of PaO2, PvO2, Pa-vO2, oxygen blood capacity, PaCO2 and pH in the given type of hypoxia
Conditions that determine the susceptibility of cells to hypoxia.
Signs of acute hypoxia.
Adaptive reactions in acute hypoxia.
Mechanisms of long-term adaptation to hypoxia.
Methods of teaching
Discussion the major issues under the supervision of a teacher, discussion pathogenetic schemes, analysis of experimental data
The basic
1. Litvitsky P.F., Pirozhkov S.V., Tezikov E.B. Concise lectures and tests on pathophysiology E-tekstbook. – ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007
2. Pathologic basis of disease. Environmental and nutritional pathology. V. Kumar, A.K. Abbas, S.N. Fausto, 8th edition, 2010, P.415-446
3. Basic Pathology. Environmental and nutritional pathology Vinay Kumar, Ramsi S. Cotran, Stanley L. Robbins. 9th edition, 2013.- P 221-243.
1. Textbook of pathology. Harsh Mohan. 4rd edition, Delhi, 2004.- P 100-102 .
2. Textbook of medical physiology. High altitude and space physiology. A.C. Guyton, J.E. Hall., 9th edition, 1996.-P 549-562.
Methods of control
Oral questioning, checking pathogenetic schemes, testing
The approximate timing of classes
№ | Steps of the class | Time (min) |
Organizational part. Roll Call, reading the goals and objectives of the class, distribution of demonstration material | ||
Discussion the questions 1-2 | ||
Watching videos, video-film, tasks №№ 1, 2 | ||
Break | ||
Discussion the questions 3-6 | ||
Test | ||
Summarizing the classroom work, assessment of competencies |
Practical work of students
Task № 1. | Model an exogenous hypoxia and study its symptoms. |
Technique. Take 3 mice, one of them place in a hermetically sealed balloon of Komovsky’s apparatus; the second mouse place in hermetically closed jar, the third mouse is the control. Mark an initial state of animals: behavior, character of breath, color of skin. Pump out air from the balloon, watching for level of barometric pressure on a manometer. Fix character and sequence of changes at the level of barometric pressure 0.8 atm., 0.6 atm., 0.4 atm., 0.2 atm.. Observe a clinical picture of acute hypoxia, mark character of breath. The received data write down to the protocol, analyze them. Conclude.
The Protocol of experiment
animal | Type of hypoxia | Color of skin | Character of breath | Pathogenesis of changes |
The mouse 1 | Exogenous hypobarbarometric | |||
The mouse 2 | Exogenous normobarbarometric | |||
The mouse 3 (control) | ----------------- |
Task № 2. | Cause blood type of hypoxia in mice: 1. poisoning by nitrates 2. poisoning by CO |
Technique. Nitrates poisoning.
Inject subcutaneously 0,1 ml of 10 % sodium nitrate to a mouse. Observe a clinical picture of acute hypoxia. Pay attention to color of skin and mucous.
Carbom monoxide poisoning.(CO is received from the reaction of formic acid with H2SO4)
Place a mouse into jar connected with the help of a rubber tube with a source of CO. Research the behavior of an animal, color of skin and mucous.
Do the incision of dead animals. Compare color of skin, organs and blood. Fill in the summary protocol:
the protocol
Animal | Kind of influence | Color of skin | Color of blood | Pathogenesis of the changes |
The mouse 1 | Nitrate-poisoning | |||
The mouse 2 | CO-poisoning |