Methods of teaching

Discussion the major issues under the supervision of a teacher, discussion of videos and results of the experiment.


The basic

1. Litvitsky P.F., Pirozhkov S.V., Tezikov E.B. Concise lectures and tests on pathophysiology E-tekstbook. – ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007

2. Lectures, handouts.

3. Pathologic basis of disease. Cellular adaptations. Cell injury and cell death. V.Kumar, A.K. Abbas, S.N. Fausto, 8th edition, 2010, P. 3 - 46

4. Basic Pathology. Vinay Kumar, Ramsi S. Cotran, Stanley L. Robbins. 9th edition, 2013.- P 3 - 24.


5. Textbook of pathology. Harsh Mohan 4rd edition, Delhi, 2004, P. 14 - 52.

Methods of control

Oral questioning, checking conclusions on experiment, testing

The approximate timing of classes

Steps of the class Time (min)
Organizational part. Roll Call, reading the goals and objectives of the class, distribution of demonstration material
Discussion the questions
Viewing videos with discussion
Practical work
Summarizing the classroom work, assessment of competencies


Practical work of students

The task №1.Study the effect of high temperature on osmotic resistance of rabbit’s erythrocytes.

Technique: 0.5 ml of blood from a regional vein of an ear of the healthy rabbit was taken into a test tube. 0.02 ml of blood were placed into 4 test tubes, with 5 ml of NaCl solution of 0.3 %, 0.45 %, 0.65 %, 0.85 % ).

The rest blood was incubated within 5 minutes in a water bath with water temperature of 500С. After that, 0,02 ml of the heated blood was placed into other 4 test tubes with the same concentrations of NaCl. After 10-15 minutes of exposure intensity of the color is visually compared. Analyze the results of an experiment using the table, make the conclusion.
The protocol of the experiment

Series of experiment Concentration of solutions of NaCl
  0,3 % 0,45 % 0,65 % 0,85 %
1. Control ++ + - -
2. Experiment +++ ++ + -


The task № 2. Analyze the effects of ethanol on rabbit’s erythrocytes.

Technique: 5 ml. Ringer's solution is placed into 5 centrifuge tubes. Then the ingredients according to the protocol specified in the table below are added.

Tube 1 (control) Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4 Tube 5
5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,02 ml blood 5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,5 ml 30% Н2О2 + 0,02 ml blood 5 ml. Ringer's solution + a few grains of powder detergent + 0,02ml blood 5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,5 мл 0,1N HCl + 0,02 ml blood 5 ml. 0,5% solution of NaCl   + 0,02 ml blood
Without hemolysis Hemolysis hemolysis hemolysis hemolysis

Explain the pathogenesis of hemolysis in tubes №№ 2-5 and the absence of hemolysis in tube number 1.