Methods of teaching
Discussion the major issues under the supervision of a teacher, discussion of videos and results of the experiment.
The basic
1. Litvitsky P.F., Pirozhkov S.V., Tezikov E.B. Concise lectures and tests on pathophysiology E-tekstbook. – ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007
2. Lectures, handouts.
3. Pathologic basis of disease. Cellular adaptations. Cell injury and cell death. V.Kumar, A.K. Abbas, S.N. Fausto, 8th edition, 2010, P. 3 - 46
4. Basic Pathology. Vinay Kumar, Ramsi S. Cotran, Stanley L. Robbins. 9th edition, 2013.- P 3 - 24.
5. Textbook of pathology. Harsh Mohan 4rd edition, Delhi, 2004, P. 14 - 52.
Methods of control
Oral questioning, checking conclusions on experiment, testing
The approximate timing of classes
№ | Steps of the class | Time (min) |
Organizational part. Roll Call, reading the goals and objectives of the class, distribution of demonstration material | ||
Discussion the questions | ||
Viewing videos with discussion | ||
Break | ||
Practical work | ||
Test | ||
Summarizing the classroom work, assessment of competencies |
Practical work of students
The task №1.Study the effect of high temperature on osmotic resistance of rabbit’s erythrocytes.
Technique: 0.5 ml of blood from a regional vein of an ear of the healthy rabbit was taken into a test tube. 0.02 ml of blood were placed into 4 test tubes, with 5 ml of NaCl solution of 0.3 %, 0.45 %, 0.65 %, 0.85 % ).
The rest blood was incubated within 5 minutes in a water bath with water temperature of 500С. After that, 0,02 ml of the heated blood was placed into other 4 test tubes with the same concentrations of NaCl. After 10-15 minutes of exposure intensity of the color is visually compared. Analyze the results of an experiment using the table, make the conclusion.
The protocol of the experiment
Series of experiment | Concentration of solutions of NaCl | |||
0,3 % | 0,45 % | 0,65 % | 0,85 % | |
1. Control | ++ | + | - | - |
2. Experiment | +++ | ++ | + | - |
The task № 2. Analyze the effects of ethanol on rabbit’s erythrocytes.
Technique: 5 ml. Ringer's solution is placed into 5 centrifuge tubes. Then the ingredients according to the protocol specified in the table below are added.
Tube 1 (control) | Tube 2 | Tube 3 | Tube 4 | Tube 5 |
5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,02 ml blood | 5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,5 ml 30% Н2О2 + 0,02 ml blood | 5 ml. Ringer's solution + a few grains of powder detergent + 0,02ml blood | 5 ml. Ringer's solution + 0,5 мл 0,1N HCl + 0,02 ml blood | 5 ml. 0,5% solution of NaCl + 0,02 ml blood |
Without hemolysis | Hemolysis | hemolysis | hemolysis | hemolysis |
Explain the pathogenesis of hemolysis in tubes №№ 2-5 and the absence of hemolysis in tube number 1.