Task 1. Based on the circle graph given below, answer the following questions.
1. What type of information is being presented on this graph? 2. If the total spending is $50,000, how much money was spent on highways? 3. Approximately how many times the amount of spending on highways is spent on education? 4. Approximately what fraction of the total expenditures are spent on highways and public welfare combined? | Expenditures for State and Local Governments |
Task 2. Use information from the graphs to complete the gaps in the text below.
The graphs below indicate the types of energy that were used to generate power for Estonland in 2000, and a projection of how these are expected to change by 2050.
The _______ charts show the main sources of energy in Estonland in 2000 and in 2050. Overall, a major change is expected in the types of energy that will be used in Estonland by ________. In 2000, fossil fuels and nuclear power were responsible for _________ of Estonland's energy, but by 2050 these two energy sources will only account for _________ of Estonland's energy supply.
According to the charts, in 2050 most of Estonland's energy will be generated from alternative sources such as ________, _______ power, wind power and tide and wave power. __________ will be the primary source of energy in 2050. It is expected to provide _________ of Estonland's energy in the future, compared with only 6% in ________. Another large increase is expected in the use of _________ energy, which accounted for only _________ of Estonland's energy in 2000, but is projected to provide 30% in 2050. In brief, Estonland's energy supply is forecast to change dramatically in the next four decades, from the use of non-renewable, _________ energy sources towards alternative energy types.
Task 3. Describe the pie chart about the tendencies of the Americans to spend their money