Emphatic Constructions



It is (was) ….. that саме, як раз It is at the moment of tiredness of the nervous cells that the process of inhibition begins to act.
who (m)   It was Sechenov who investigated blood gases in 1858.
It wasn’t until (till) ….. that тільки в; тільки після; тільки тоді, коли It wasn’t until 1858 that Sechenov investigated blood gases.
to do (did) + infinitive дійсно, фактично Sechenov did investigate blood gases in 1858.



Exercise 7. Translate from English paying attention to the use of emphatic constructions:

1. It is in the alveoli that the respiratory metabolism takes place.

2. It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to different tissues of the human body.

3. It wasn’t until 1628 that blood circulation was described by William Harvey.

4. It wasn’t until 1543 that Vesalius wrote his most important book.

5. Pirogov did use anesthesia in field conditions.

6. Fleming did receive the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin.


Exercise 8. Paraphrase the sentences using emphatic constructions:

1. Mustard plasters are prescribed for cough.

2. The patient’s urine analysis indicates some kidney trouble.

3. She had coronary complications after the grippe.

4. Thanks to the efforts of N. I. Pirogov surgery was placed on a scientific basis.

5. The doctor from our local polyclinic diagnosed pneumonia and sent my mother to the hospital.

6. These drugs really relieve pains in the stomach in case of gastric ulcer.


Exercise 9. Translate into English using emphatic constructions:

1. Саме гіпоталамус контролює тиск крові й ніколи не втомлюється.

2. Тільки у 1538 році А. Везалій надрукував свої перші наукові труди.

3. Саме Менделєєв відкрив нову епоху в історії хімії.

4. Пірогов дійсно використовував ефір під час операції.

5. Саме щеплення викорінило таку страшну хворобу як віспа.

6. Саме за відкриття пеніциліну О.Флемінг отримав Нобелівську премію.


Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. It is at the moment of tiredness of the cortical nervous cells that the process of inhibition begins to act.

2. This process does not allow new stimuli to pass to the tired areas of the brain.

3. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be well supplied with oxygen and

feeding substances.

4. Any human being must have regular complete rest.

5. When one sleeps the vital activity of the nervous system is restored.

6. One can live longer without food than without sleep.


Exercise 11. Insert the necessary preposition:

1. The nervous cells must be well supplied ….. oxygen and feeding substances.

2. A constant flow of stimuli comes ….. the brain ….. the spinal cord.

3. To estimate the functions of the brain many experiments have been carried ….. by the investigators.

4. When the process of inhibition extends ….. a great number ….. cortical cells, one falls asleep.

5. ….. the stimuli continue to come into the brain, the inhibited cortical cells do not react ….. them.

6. It is ….. the moment of tiredness of the nervous cells that the process of inhibition begins to act.




1. The brain is the centre of a ….. system of communication.

a) wide b) narrow c) broad d) extensive


2. A constant ….. of stimuli comes into the brain through the spinal cord.

a) stream b) flood c) flow d) current


3. The ….. come to the brain from our eyes, ears, and other sense organs.

a) incentives b) influences c) irritants d) stimuli


4. The motor cortex controlling many body movements of the human being ….. .

a) becomes tired rapidly b) hardly ever becomes tired c) is never tired d) is always tired


5. The nervous cells of the cortex are the most delicate of all the cells of the human body.

a) the toughest b) the hardest c) the softest d) the most delicate


6. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be supplied ….. oxygen and nutrients.

a) with b) by c) for d) of


7. Sleep is more necessary ….. the human being than food.

a) to b) of c) for d) on


8. …..a sound quiet sleep the whole activity of the human organism changes.

a) in b) for c) during d) ---


9. The human brain consists ….. about 12 billion cells.

a) with b) for c) by d) of


10. It is ….. these orders that one eats, moves, hears, sees and does many other things.

a) due to b) because of c) --- d) that’s why