Підготовка до диференційного заліку


1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: спалах інфекційних хвороб вагітність, заразна хвороба хворобливість умови навколишнього середовища усувати причини хвороби Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. How many member-states are there in the WHO? 2. When was the WHO founded? 3. What are the current priorities of the WHO? 4. What is the legislative and supreme body of the WHO? 5. What is the main emphasis of the WHO work? Поясніть наступний термін: The WHO


1. The World Health Organization was established in … .

a) 1945

b) 1946

c) 1948

d) 1950

e) 1952

2. There are … member-states of the WHO now.

a) 61

b) 90

c) 100

d) 194

e) 200

3. The main aim of the WHO is the battle against …

a) environmental pollution

b) world’s most virulent diseases

c) aging

d) diseases’ complications

e) food poisoning

4. One of the main services carried out by the WHO is … .

a) general standardization of the medicines

b) medicinal research

c) medical publications

d) health improvement during childhood

e) service of epidemic warnings

5. The World Health Assembly, the supreme body of the WHO is based in … .

a) Paris

b) Geneva

c) Berlin

d) Rome

e) Vienne

6. The World Health Assembly of the WHO typically meets in…

a) January

b) March

c) May

d) June

e) September

7. The world’s most virulent disease - is eradicated from the earth.

a) flu

b) measles

c) scarlet fever

d) smallpox

e) mumps

8. What word is not related to the key stages of life.

a) pregnancy

b) childbirth

c) childhood

d) overeating

e) adolescence

9. In recent years, the emphasis is more on of the diseases than on cure.

a) eradication

b) causes

c) prevention

d) research

e) information

10. The WHO also informs national health services about….

a) storm coming

b) outbreak of viral diseases

c) weather changes

d) earthquakes

e) floods