Exercise 15. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences.
with into of from by on about against during |
1. The severity of the disease depends…. the particular viral strain.
2. Toxin released … the blood circulation may produce fever.
3. A secondary infection can be treated … appropriate antibiotics.
4. Patients must be warned … the dangers of secondary infection.
5. WHO informs national health services … outbreaks of viral diseases.
6. In the past, many people died …. Smallpox.
7. Children are routinely immunized … poliomyelitis, whooping cough and other diseases.
8. WHO also works to improve health…key stages of life, i.e. pregnancy, childbirth, childhood and adolescence.
9. Precautions must be taken to prevent the spread … infection.
10. Girls should be vaccinated … rubella, if they have never had it.
11. The Constitution of WHO was signed … 194 states.
12. There are six patients suffering … flu.
13. Malaria is transmitted … the bite of a mosquito.
14. A disease can spread to a healthy person through his/her direct contact … the patient.
15. WHO is concerned … international public health.
Exercise 16. Translate into English:
1. Конституція ВООЗ була підписана 61 країною в 1946 році.
2. ВООЗ інформує національні служби охорони здоров’я про спалахи вірусних інфекцій.
3. Штаб-квартира ВООЗ розташована в Женеві.
4. Ціль (пріоритети) ВООЗ включають такізаразні хвороби, такі як ВІЛ/СНІД, малярія, туберкульоз.
5. В останні роки увага змістилася більш на профілактику, ніж на лікування.
6. ВООЗ досягла успіхів в кампанії проти натуральної віспи.
7. ВООЗ також забезпечує служби, необхідні всім країнам, такі як міжнародна стандартизація ліків і вакцин, медичні дослідження, тощо.
8. Асамблея Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я зайзвичай збирається щорічно у травні.
Exercise 17. Open the brackets using correct tense and voice:
1. The nurse (to come) to give injections three times a day this month.
2. Vitamins (to assist) the biochemical process of the body.
3. Standardization of medicines and vaccines as well as development of medical research (to provide) by the WHO since its foundation.
4. Odessa (to warn) about epidemic of cholera.
5. Tomorrow we (to attend) the lecture in Biology.
6. The World Health organization (to establish) in 1948.
7. I never (to be) to the operation-room before.
8. His sister (to care) for medicine.
9. WHO (to inform) national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases.
10. HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (to be) communicable diseases.
11. I (to see) an interesting operation this week.
12. The students (to show) the wards for patients with burns.