Dialogue 1
Doctor: Ah good morning, Mr Hudson. I see from your card that you’ve just moved into the area and perhaps you could tell me a little about your previous health as I won’t get your records for another month, month or two, and then we can deal with your present problem.
Patient:Well, I’ve actually, I’ve always been very fit up till now.
D: Have you ever been in hospital?
P: Oh, only when I was a child. I had an appendicitis when I was eight.
D: Aha, and what’s your job, what do you do?
P: Well, I work for the post office, I’m a postmaster.
D: And I see that you’re what, 58, now, and have you…?
P: Yes.
D: Have you always been with the post office?
P: Yes, well apart from my time in the army you know…
D: I see. And you’re married. Any family?
P: Yes, two girls and a boy.
D: Fine. That’s fine. Now can you tell me what seems to be the problem today?
P: Well, it’s this terrible pain. I’ve got this terrible pain in my back. I’ve had it for more than a week now and it’s…
D: I see, and can you show me exactly where it is?
P: It’s down here, here.
D: And does it go anywhere else?
P: Yes, it goes down my left leg. And I feel pins and needles in my foot.
D: I see, and is it there all the time?
P: Yes, yes it is. It’s keeping me awake at night and I can’t get out into the garden. I’ve been taking aspirins but the pain, it just comes back again.
D: And was there anything that started it off?
P: Well, yes. I’ve been trying to sort out the garden at my new house and I don’t know, I may have been overdoing things a bit.
Dialogue 2
D: Now, Mrs Brown, can you tell me, have you any trouble with your stomach or bowels?
P: Well, I sometimes get a bit of indigestion.
D: I see, and could you tell me more about that?
P: Well, it only comes on if I have a hot, something spicy, you know, like a curry.
D: I see, well that’s quite normal really. And what’s your appetite like?
P: Not bad.
D: And any problems with your waterworks?
P: No, they’re all right.
D: And are you still having your periods regularly?
P: No, they stopped, must have been five years ago.
D: Any pain in the chest, any palpitation, swelling of the ankles?
P: Not really, doctor.
D: And what about coughs or wheezing or shortness of breath?
P: Only when I’ve got a cold.
D: Have you noticed any weakness or tingling in your limbs?
P: No, I can’t say that I have, really.
D: What sort of mood have you been in recently?
P: I’ve been feeling a bit down. You know, I’m not sleeping well.