The body is commonly divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs.

The head is divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The facial bones form the structure of the face. The forehead, the temples, eyes,eyebrows, the cheeks, the cheekbones, nose, oral cavity and chin compose the face.

The upper limb (or extremity) is divided into the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist. The upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder, or pectoral girdle (the bony structure by which the limbs are attached to the body). The lower limb is divided into the thigh, knee, leg, ankle, and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the leg extends from the knee to the ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or pelvic girdle. Note that the terms arm and leg, contrary to popular usage, refer only to a portion of the respective limb.

The trunk can be divided into the thorax (chest), abdomen (region between the thorax and pelvis), and pelvis (the inferior end of the trunk, associated with the hips). The major organs are located in the trunk, such as: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.

The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants. They include the upper right, upper left, lower right, and lower left quadrants. The four-quadrant approach is commonly used by clinicians to describe the location of some organs or of a clinical problem such as pain or a tumor.


Ex.13. Translate the following words into English:

Поділ, розподіл; лицьова частина; тулуб; черевна порожнина; пояс; передпліччя; коліно; гомілка; належати; тазовий; зап'ясток; нижня кінцівка; плече; лежачий, розташований; серце; печінка; селезінка; кишківник; сечовий міхур; легені; відповідний.


Ex.14. Translate the text "Body Regions" into Ukrainian.


Ex.15. Insert the missing words:

1. The _ is divided into several regions. 2. The upper limb is divided into the arm, _, and hand. 3. The upper limb is attached to the body by the _. 4. The lower limb is divided into the _, leg, and foot. 5. The lower limb is attached to the body by the _ . 6. The _ can be divided into the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. 7. The abdomen is often subdivided superficially into four _. 8. The four-quadrant _ is commonly used by clinicians to describe the location of underlying _ or of a clinical problem such as pain or a tumor.


Ex.16. What is it:

Arm. Forearm. Thigh. Leg. Thorax. Abdomen. Pelvis.


Ex.17. Organize the information of the text in table:

Upper limb:     Head:  
Lower limb:   Trunk:    


Ex.18. Answer the questions:

1. What regions is human body divided into? 2. What parts is the upper limb divided into? 3. What parts does the lower limb consist of? 4. What girdle connects the upper limb with the trunk? 5. What girdle connects the lower limb with the trunk? 6. What parts is the trunk divided into? 7. What internal organs are located in the trunk?


Ex.19. Retell the text "Body Regions".



Ex.20. Read the following words with their translation and compose your own sentences:

sternal ['stWnql] грудинний, що належить до грудини brachial['breIkIql] плечовий femoral['femqrql] стегновий axillary ['xksIlqrI] пахвинний genital ['GenItql] статевий, що належить до статевих органів pubic ['pjHbIk] лобковый acrominal [q'kroumInql] акроміальний, належащий до латеральної кінцівкі лопатки cubital ['kjHbItl] ліктьовий antebrachial ["xntI'breIkIql] такий, що належить до передпліччя cephalic[sI'fxlIk] головний cervical['sWvIkql] шийний carpal ['kRpql] кистьовий, зап'ястний manual ['mxnjuql] ручний digital ['dIGItql] пальцевий geniculate [GI'nIkjulIt] колінний crural ['krurql] що належить до гомілки tarsal ['tRsql] заплесновий pedal ['pedl] ножний, що належить до стопи

Ex.21. Add the missing words:

mouth oral

Ex.22. Complete the following dialogue:

- What regions is human body divided into?

- Human body _ .

- What is the upper limb divided into?

- The upper limb is divided into _ .

- What is the lower limb divided into?

- The lower limb _.

- What does the trunk consist of?

- The trunk consists of _ .


Ex.23. Reproduce the similar dialogue.


Ex.24. Read the following text:


The trunk contains three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular diaphragm.

The trachea, or windpipe, is a membranous tube that consists of connective tissue. The trachea connects the larynx to the bronchi. The esophagus is that portion of the digestive tube that extends between the pharynx and the stomach. It transports food from the pharynx to the stomach. The heart is between the lungs in the space within the mediastinum. It is a muscular organ consisting of four chambers. The heart is responsible for the circulation of the blood. The lungs are the principal organs of respiration. Each lung is conical in shape. The right lung is larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left one has two lobes.

There is no physical separation between the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.

The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left portion of the abdomen. The stomach wall has many glands from which acid and enzymes are released into the stomach and are mixed with ingested food. The small intestine consists of three portions. The entire small intestine is approximately 6 m long. The small intestine is the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large intestine are secretion and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces blood components. The liver consists of two major and two minor lobes. The spleen detects and responds to the foreign substances in the blood and acts as a blood reservoir. It is located on the left side in the extreme superior, posterior corner of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas lies along the small intestine and the stomach. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs. They remove waste products from the blood, play a major role in controlling blood concentration, and control the red blood cell production and vitamin D metabolism. The kidneys are the major excretory organs in the body.

return false">ссылка скрыта

The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular container. The size of bladder is dependent on the presence or absence of urine. The function of bladder is to store urine. Unlike most organ systems, the reproductive systems are very different in male and female. But the internal reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and many of the hormones are the same in the male and female, even though their functions may be quite different.

thoracic[TO:'rxsIk] грудинний abdominal[xb'dOmIn(q)l] абдомінальний, черевний trachea[trq'kIq; 'treIkIq] трахея esophagus[I'sOfqgqs] стравохід rib['rIb] ребро larynx['lxrINks] гортань mediastinum["mI:dIqs'taInqm] середостіння respond[rIs'pOnd] реагувати lobe[lqub] частка acid['xsId] кислота enzyme['enzaIm] фермент, ензим release[rI'lI:s] звільняти, виділяти ingest[In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути digestion[dI'GesC(q)n] травлення, травлення їжи detect[dI'tekt] виявляти, помічати blood[blAd] кров excretory[eks'krI:tqrI] вивідний, видільний, екскреторний


Ex.25. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Реагувати; тулуб; звільняти, виділяти; глотка, гортань; абдомінальний, черевний; фермент, энзим; грудинний; кислота; серце; ковтати, проковтнути; шлунок; кишечник; таз; травлення їжи; селезінка; порожнина; підшлункова залоза; трахея; грудна клітка; стравохід; виявляти, помічати; печінка; легені; середостіння; нирка.


Ex.26. Translate the text "Trunk" into Ukrainian.


Ex.27. Answer the following questions:

1. What cavities are located in the trunk? 2. What principal organs are located in the thoracic cavity? 3. What is trachea? 4. Where is esophagus located? 5. What is the heart responsible for? 6. What are the lungs? 7. What is the difference between the right and the left lungs? 8. What organs of the abdominal cavity do you know? 9. What is the enlarged segment of the digestive tract? 10. What is the function of the stomach? 11. What is the small intestine? 12. What is the function of the liver? 13. What organs are located in the pelvic cavity?

Ex.28. Name the inner organs and complete the following table:

Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity
lungs stomach  

Ex.29. Insert the missing words:

The trunk _ three large cavities, the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the _ cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, _ , _ and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from the _ cavity by the muscular diaphragm.

The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles and contains the _, intestines, liver, _ , pancreas, and kidneys. The stomach is an enlarged segment of the _ tract. The small _ is the site where the greatest amount of digestion and absorption occurs. The major functions of large _ are secretion and absorption. The liver stores and processes nutrients, and produces _ components.

The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the _ and contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal _ organs. The urinary _ is a hollow muscular container. The function of _ bladder is to store urine. The reproductive systems are very different in _ and female.

Ex.30. Translate the following sentences into English:

Тіло людини поділяється на кілька частин: голова, тулуб, верхні та нижні кінцівки. Верхня кінцівка поділяється на плече, передпліччя, зап'ясток та кисть. Верхня кінцівка приєднується до тулуба за допомогою плечового поясу. Нижня кінцівка складається зі стегна, гомілки, щиколотки та стопи. Вона прикріплюється до тулуба за допомогою тазового поясу. Тулуб поділяється на грудну клітку, черевну порожнину та таз.



The body is divided into several regions. They are the head, trunk, and limbs. The head is divided into the cranial and the facial parts. The upper limb is divided into the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. The arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and the forearm extends from the elbow to the wrist. The upper limb is attached to the body by the shoulder. The lower limb is divided into the thigh, knee, leg, ankle, and foot. The thigh extends from the hip to the knee, and the leg extends from the knee to the ankle. The lower limb is attached to the body by the hip, or pelvic girdle. The trunk is divided into chest, abdomen and pelvis. The principal organs of the trunk are: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestines, the kidneys, the gallbladder, and bladder.